[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 10

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The abandoned sewage pipe was completely dark, the light from the flashlight only provided them with seven or eight meters of visibility. Most of the light was engulfed by the suffocating darkness.

The weeds under their feet rustled because of their steps. The insects in the grass were continuously making sound. Cong Xia had not listened to the sound of the nature this closely for a really long time. He had gotten so used to with all kinds of noise pollution made by humans that right now, he was feeling not very accustomed. No, it was not just the feeling of being unaccustomed. A sewage pipe that was covered by vegetation like an underground cave, so dark that you could hardly see your hand, you didn't know where it would lead to, you didn't know what unknown things were waiting for you in front, that kind of deep fear made Cong Xia feel difficult to breathe.

In order to ease his tension, Cong Xia could only desperately try to talk to Cheng Tianbi.

"Mr. Soldier, let's talk."

"Hey, how old are you? Twenty two? Twenty three?"

"Mr. Soldier, aren't you afraid? Are you hungry? We left all of our food for the dogs, what are we going to eat? How about eating some grass?"

Cong Xia already felt hungry now. He thought about the monkey meat that had not been finished at noon, he could not help but gulp down his saliva.

Cheng Tianbi was actually even hungrier than Cong Xia. Since this morning when he realized the change in his physical until now, he had always felt hungry. It was just that he did not have enough time to fill his stomach, and now there was nothing left to eat.

However, the evolution of the animals and the plants was so fast, who knew whether these grasses had evolved to become toxic or not, he could not just carelessly eat them like that. Cheng Tianbi said.

"Just endure. We'll talk about it when we get out of here."

"I am afraid that you may feel hungry, you are the only one who can fight here. You must maintain your physical strength."

Cheng Tianbi indifferently said.

"I'm not that hungry to graze the grass. Just speed up, get out of here and we can once again find a way to look for food."

Cong Xia sighed, once again he was frustrated of his uselessness. He couldn't even make a decent meal for his friend who saved himself twice.

The two of them continued to proceed deeper. They walked for nearly three kilometers. They still did not see any exits. However, Cong Xia noticed that the grass under their feet became lesser. They were gradually replaced by fungi instead. The air was filled with the suffocating smell of humidity that made it very uncomfortable to breathe. The road beneath their feet was also getting harder and harder to walk on. The damp moss and all kinds of mushrooms were very slippery. Every step was like stepping on a certain type of mucus.

Cong Xia accidentally slipped and his bottom was down on the ground. When his hand touched the wet and sticky vegetation on the ground, he felt unspeakably disgusted. Cheng Tianbi pulled him up.

"Pay attention to your feet."

Cong Xia desperately wiped his hand on his trousers. He was so disgusted.

"It's so disgusting. So slimy."

Cheng Tianbi held the flashlight tightly and shone everywhere all at once. Of any places he could see, there were mushrooms in various colors and sizes, they were densely packed. The scene was very uncomfortable to look at.

Cong Xia gulped down his saliva and subconsciously grasped Cheng Tianbi's hand. Cheng Tianbi frowned.

"Let go of my hand."

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