[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 21

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This morning, Cong Xia and Cheng Tianbi were awakened by a loud noise. The two of them got up and saw that the street outside the temporary headquarter was full of people. The citizens were a little agitated. They all looked pale and thin.

"What is happening?"

"Let's go out and see."

The two men had just gone out, a soldier directly approached them.

"The battalion commander wants to see you."

The soldiers took the two men downstairs. The battalion commander Wang Lian was pacing back and forth outside, in front of the door of Liu Fengyu's room. Worried expression seemed to be all over his face.

"Commander Wang."

Wang Lian saw them and said.

"The general chief of staff and the deputy commander are back, but they are reassuring the citizens now. They will see you later. Liu Fengyu has also waken up. Didn't you say you knew him, he is very uncooperative, can you two think of any solution?"

Cong Xia explained.

"We don't know him, we just encountered him once."

"Doesn't matter. Just go in and have a look. I have never met such a mental man, *sigh*."

The two men looked at each other. They could probably guess how "mental" Liu Fengyu was. When the two of them met him for the first time, they also felt that he was a little weird.

The three men entered the room together. There were already Zhao Qian and two other people in the room. Every one of them was so angry that their faces were red while Liu Fengyu was sitting naked on the bed and having fun by blowing fringes of his hair.

"Comrade Liu Fengyu, please stop making unreasonable requests."

"Unreasonable how? You don't even let me wear clothes."

"Why can't you wear this outfit?"

Zhao Qian clutched the camouflage clothes, he was about to lose his temper. Liu Fengyu stared at him with his eyes wide opened.

"They're ugly."


"Oh? It's you."

Liu Fengyu smiled while looking at Cong Xia.

"You're not dead yet."

Cong Xia thought to himself.

I still live very well. What kind of person are you who would wish to see other people dead?

He softly cleared his throat.

"Hello Mr. Liu. We meet again."

"Good timing. You know what clothes I want to wear. Go pick some for me, also, bring me some perfume."

Liu Fengyu was not hesitant at all when bossing him around. Cheng Tianbi said coldly.

"Commander Zhao, if you can't get anything from him, then just leave him to me."

He had his way to make a person speak. Why must he be civil to such an odd man. Liu Fengyu raised his eyebrows.

"You want to torture me? You sure have some nerve. You might as well try, see who would die first."

Seeing the two men showing hostility towards each other, Cong Xia hurriedly smoothed things over.

"Don't. Everyone please don't be upset with each other. Mr. Liu, why don't you try these camouflage clothes on? It looks good on you."

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