[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 30

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The two of them were not sleeping for long before they were awakened by Liu Fengyu. Liu Fengyu's tone was somewhat serious.

"Don't sleep, it's getting colder and colder. It's getting too dangerous if you continue sleeping."

The two of them opened their eyes and Cheng Tianbi looked at his watch. It was nine degrees below zero!

"The temperature is still falling."

Liu Fengyu wrapped his down jacket tightly, his face was pale. It seemed that he was also freezing. Inside the car, there were child mutants who were so cold that they straightforwardly cried. Cong Xia said in a heavy tone.

"It's not good if things keep going like this, let's go find a place to make a fire."

He got up and walked to the door of the car cabin and was about to jump down, but then he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

There were already a bunch of fire burning outside. Since this was a large group of more than 40,000 people, the fire was spreading from one to another. It was spreading continuously that there was no end. There was a circle of people curled up around each bonfire, they were hunching their bodies while rubbing their hands and feet constantly. Among them, there were gray-haired seniors and children who were crying piteously for food. They might have not eaten a decent meal or drank clean water for several days. They were constantly in life-threatening situations. They might not even be able to go through another sudden drop of temperature. The city residents who once lived in peace and tranquility were now like an army of refugees. They had no food to eat, no clothing to keep warm. In this desolated area outside of the city, they relied only on the fire to warm themselves.

Is this the current situation of mankind?

Cong Xia stood in the car, he looked at the large migrating group that its end could not be seen. His nose was tingly. Liu Fengyu, who was standing next to him, also sighed.

This was not feeling pity for an individual, this was feeling pity for the whole mankind. This was the lamentation for the fate of humanity.

Liu Fengyu jumped out of the car. Cheng Tianbi and Cong Xia also one after another jumped down. They went to pick up some branches nearby, borrowed the fire igniter from the people of the nearby fire and sat around the fire to keep warm. After a while, some unfamiliar people also gathered around their fire. They lowered their heads and wrapped their arms around their knees without saying a word, as if there was nothing in this life that deserved their attention.

Cong Xia looked solemnly at the flickering flames in front of him. Thoughts were surging in his head.

The ancient jade, the ancient jade appeared only to help mankind? Then help them, help this race!

The temperature had dropped to minus 16 degrees. There were some children who were so cold that they started crying. Those desperate sound filled every individual's ears.

When Cong Xia thought that the situation could no longer be worse, a howl suddenly came from the distance. They turned their heads around to have a look, but it was too dark to see anything.

"What's going on?"

There was someone who asked in horror, but there was no one who could give him an answer.

The range of the yelling sound was getting bigger and bigger. Soon, even at his location, Cong Xia began to hear a resonating sound of thousands of flying animals flapping their wings. The buzzing sound was extremely similar to that of the mosquitoes, but it was much louder than the mosquitoes that they knew of.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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