[Book 1 - Global Evolution] Chapter 3

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After the man put Cong Xia down, he became much more obedient. Like a little wife, he stood aside decently, silently watching the soldier ransacked his refrigerator, then stuffed the vacuum packed food into the backpack.

Cong Xia was hesitating for a while and then asked.

"Mr. Soldier, why did my uncle want me to go to Beijing? He turned off his phone, so I couldn't contact him."

The man turned around to look at him and threw a piece of folded paper to him. Cong Xia managed to catch it and opened it. It was a letter that his uncle wrote himself, but this piece of paper was obviously faxed. It said: 'Xiao Xia, when you see my handwriting, just consider like you're seeing me. You must have many questions in your mind. I don't have very much time to explain. Yunnan is not safe, go with comrade Cheng Tianbi to Beijing to find me, no matter what happens on the road, don't give up, be sure to come to Beijing to find me, you are my only relative, I hope we can meet each other - Cong Zhenzhong.'

[Note: This phrase 'when you see my handwriting, just consider like you're seeing me' or '见字如面' is a phrase that is put at the beginning of a letter for describing the feelings: "I haven't seen you for a long time. Today I received a letter from you. When I saw the sentences and the words, suddenly, your special character and personality emerge in my mind..."]

Cong Xia repeatedly read those lines which only contained a few words three times. Although he couldn't remember his second uncle's handwriting, it sounded very similar to his uncle. Moreover, he felt that it was not necessary for this soldier to pretend. First, he was just an insignificant person. Second, it was not up to him to decide whether he went or not anyway.

If this letter was real, then it had revealed a lot of information. First, the human living environment had undergone great changes, and these changes were dangerous ones. The government knew much more than them, and Beijing was definitely safer. His uncle was a highly respected expert in the field of biology. He was never an alarmist. When he said that Yunnan was not safe, it only confirmed Cong Xia's guess. Secondly, the change would only escalate. At present, Yunnan had not even reached that dangerous level yet, but his uncle had already made a prediction about the future, so this evolution was not just a temporary event, it would certainly become worse. Third, turned out this handsome guy called Cheng Tianbi.

Cong Xia carefully folded the piece of paper and put it into his shirt pocket.

"So your name is Cheng Tianbi, did you go from Beijing to here to pick me up?"

Cheng Tianbi pushed the full backpack into Cong Xia's arms.

"I was on duty in Yunnan. I was just passing by. Let's go."

"We have to leave now?"

Cong Xia had a look around the apartment that he had rented for three years, for a short moment, he couldn't accept the fact that he had to leave just like that. He was afraid that as soon as he left, just after three days, the apartment would be full of mushrooms and weeds. If one day he could truly come back, it would become unrecognizable. Moreover, there was no guarantee that he could come back.

How could the world change so fast? This time yesterday, he was still sound asleep because he stayed up late to play games. In just a short day, the end of the world arrived, he was also forced to leave.

Cheng Tianbi once again wore the big backpack that he himself brought and said briefly.


"Big Brother, we only bring these things? I need to bring some daily necessities and credentials, as well as my computer. I definitely have to bring my computer."

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