From the sky to the ground

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*Pit's POV*

I can't believe today is the day! Me and Lady Palutena are going to Super Smash University or SSU for short!
The guy's that run the place pick up anything we are wanting to take with us a day in advance and set it in whatever dorm they have selected for us. Though for some reason Lady Palutena refused for them to drop us off at SSU today. I wonder why?

I run up some steps to Lady Palutena's temple after saying good-bye to everyone and wait at the top where I was told to meet her.
I wait for seems likes hours but is actually minutes due to all of my excitement.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting long Pit!" Lady Palutena says finally arriving after a long time of sitting her being excited.

"Oh you can take all the time you need Lady Palutena and I will wait!" I say with a smile as I bow down in front of her.
She giggles a bit and then we look off the edge of her temple into the clouds ahead.

"So exactly how are we suppose to get to SSU?" I question to Lady Palutena.
She gives me a smirk and suddenly I feel afraid.
She runs behind and suddenly she starts pushing me towards the edge.

"L-LADY PALUTENA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I yell out trying to push back towards her away from the edge. Too bad she was a lot stronger and all I could do was slow her down.

"Isn't it obvious Pit? We are going to fly there. I mean I can't be there all the time to help you out." She said with a big smile."Besides I will be gliding down with you, so if you fall, then it will be funny for a while but then I will be there to pick you up so you can fly."

"WHAT WILL BE SO FUNNY ABOUT IT?!" I yell as we finally reach the edge and she stops pushing me.

"Your reaction.." She giggles and then gives me one last shove and down I fall towards the ground with her gliding behind me afterwards.

I yell and freak out as I try to spread my wings and flap them frantically but to no avail. I was still falling. I see the ground and I cover my face with my hands and arms, close my eyes  and brace for impact.
Thank the heavens it never came, I open my eyes to find myself close to the ground able to fly due to Lady Palutena's Magic and let out a huge breath I was apparently holding.
Behind me I could hear Lady Palutena giggling away due to what had just happened.
I give her a look basically saying to 'never do that again' and she shrugs as she continues to giggle and glide right next to me. She releases her magic and puts me down as soon as she lands down on the ground. Unfortunately I was unprepared for it and landed on my butt.

"What was all that for really, Lady Palutena?" I complain not buying the  'I won't always be there to help you' story anymore.

She looks at me and smiles "Maybe next time you won't complain about what I cook."

"Oh." I say remembering that day. I wasn't in the mood for what she was cooking so I complained to her about it.

"But that was 3 days ago Lady Palutena!" I argued

"And look where it made you end up at. At least now you can say you were once a fallen angel." She laughed out.

I grunted and mumbled "I don't remember you being the goddess of karma."

"What was that pit?" Lady Palutena said as if planning the next harmful or humiliating thing she could do to me.

"Ugh nothing, Lady Pal-" I was cut off by other giggles and I relized we weren't alone. I looked around and saw other people around. I was curious as to where we ended up at where there could be people, and then I saw it. We had made it to SSU!
The start of a new adventure!

And here is the next chapter I promised. Hope you guys enjoyed. I know Pit didn't... I will publish again real soon!


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