A long day

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*Palutena's POV*

Class has finally ended! I didn't think it would ever end, but now I am stuck carrying 6 books in my hands and a bunch more papers for registering into this dang school. All this from one class!
I thought I filled out all the papers I needed to just to be in this school.
Oh goddess's, I hate to see what tomorrow's class may be like.

"Need some help pretty lady?"
And it just got worse...It was Ike from my Tactical class. He has been flirting with me and just about every girl in that room. He's luck that these school rules keep him from getting hurt cause if they didn't I would-

"Um, hello?"

"Oh, what? I asked confused.

"Aww, did I interupted the pretty lady's thoughts? Were they about all the nasty things we may do in a bed together?" Ike said with a smirk.

"Well they were nasty thoughts but not anything you were thinking of, I'm sure." I said with a sigh.

"Well then, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I helped carry your books then, hmm?" He says with a bow.
I roll my eyes. Clearly it went over his head.

"No thanks, I got this. I don't need any help." I say starting to leave the situation.

"Oh but I insist." He continued on.

"I'm good, wait a minute! Don't you have books to be carrying too? We're from the same class." I say confused but still walking onward.

*Back at Tactical Class*

Ike's book with a note on them reading,  "Hey Marth, I know your going to see this so if you can, carry these to my room. Your the best pal!"

"Really Ike, you know what, Fuck this!I am not his damn servant." Marth says as he begins to walk away.

Marth stops, and walks back towards the books and begins to carry them towards Ike's room.

"Curse my kind heart and that damn flirt... "

*Back to Palutena and Ike*

"I got someone taking care of it already." Ike says with a smile.

"Now will you let me help you?"

I sigh, "Your never going to stop asking are you?"

"Nope!" Ike says quickly.

"Fine, here are my books." He quickly takes my books and we begin to head towards the direction of my room. We finally reach the room and I begin to unlock the door.

Once I open the door and I move out of the way so Ike can go in. Ike goes in and immediately puts the books down on the floor.

"Nice room you've got here..." He says as he looks arounds.

"Yes, cause the lack of decorations and beds not being made along with stuff on the floor makes it look nice." I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, totally!" Ike lies.

I let out a sigh. "If you don't mind, please leave, I got a lot of work to be doing."

"Oh yeah, of course my lady, but on the condition that you tell me your name." He says with a smirk.

"Really? You don't know my name and yet I know yours?!" I say slightly annoyed.

" Um, of course I know your name...um Lacy...no...Paula...no Charlotte......Nancy..Tena um-"

" It's Palutena..." I say not caring anymore.

"Ah, Palutena! What a sexy name...sounds like the name of a god.." He says again smirking. I've just about had it now... I point towards the doorway with an annoyed look on my face.

"Leave now please!" I say loudly so that he finally gets the hint.

"Oh I see, hard to get! I like it! You'll come around, eventually...they always do." He says finally leaving and I slam the door behind him.

I sigh and go over to my bed laying down on it as my Dorm Partner arrives.

"Long day?" I hear Lucina ask.

"Oh you have no idea." I answer with another sigh.

"Don't worry, we all have those days. Tomorrow maybe better." She says with a smile.

"Yeah maybe." I say with a yawn as I fall asleep, taking a nap before getting to any work that needs to be done.

This Chapter is a huge apology for uploading the other chapter late. I hope you all enjoy! Kupo! ^-^

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