The Search

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*Rosalina's POV*

I let out a sigh as me, Luma and Pichu walked around the school. It was night time and everyone was asleep. Not a sound was made throughout the halls. Everyone went to bed early to have energy for what ever mission was given to them the next day.

"Are you ok mama? You don't seem like yourself." Luma asked as we go down another hall. We were on our way to the secret spot.

"I guess I am. I guess I just have a lot of stuff and questions on my mind." I answer.

"Like what?" Pichu asks trying to keep up with me as I walked on.

"Well, I don't mean to sound impatient but I do wonder how long the courses for this school is? And will we all even make it out alive?" I ask thinking of Lumas who are waiting above for my and Luma's return and everything that happened at the castle.

"Now that I think about it, it was never really specified when any of us will be released but I am sure if we keep working at it we will all be alright and through this school quicker then you know." Pichu answered.

"He's right, mama! Don't worry about a thing." Luma encouraged.

"I will listen to your guys words but it will still not keep me from worrying." I respond.

"Well, I guess somebodys got to worry about everyone rather then no one." Pichu chuckles out towards Luma as we finally make it outside.

"Just remember, you have to meet up with Lady Palutena and Link tomorrow morning at the boards, mama. You promised them at the end of class." Luma reminds me, trying to change the subject.

"I know, thanks for reminding me, little one." I say with a slight smile.

*Link's POV*

I couldn't sleep most the night. It was like the stars were smiling down at me and telling to me that I was A rank material so as soon as morning finally hit and alarms rang out through the halls, I along with everyone else who was just as eager as I was up out looking for their missions and their ranking at the mission board.

Among them, I found Palutena.
"Hey! Palutena!" I called towards her.

"Link, have you seen Rosalina yet?" She asks with a worried face as she runs up to me.

"No, why?"

"Cause our mission and ranking isn't up there." She answered.

"What? Why?" I ask somewhat frantic.

"Well perhaps of you find Ms.Rosalina and meet me in the classroom we were yesterday, I will tell you." A voice cuts in on our conversation.

We look towards the source and see the super smash teacher. All the students seemed to stop what they were doing and looked towards her for a mere second then continued on.

"Yes ma'am!" We both answered and we began our search.

After a while of searching we began asking around starting with Peach and Daisy who were in a hall talking about their ranking.

"Hey! Have either of you seen Rosalina?" I ask.

"No sorry, why has something happened?" Peach asked with a worried expression.

"Kinda, we can't get our rank or missions without her. It's what the Super Smash teacher said anyways."

"Well we will keep an eye out and if we see Rosy, we'll let her know you're looking for her! Daisy responded with a smile.

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