Merry Christmas

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Some students gather in front of the school. Decorations of red, green and gold hang from the school as everyone shows their smile for the holidays.

Peach: Christmas is here and I hope everyone is having a Merry time!

S.S. Teacher: I am sure everyone is Peach. *Shows a light smile*

Marth: And in spirit of the Holidays, I believe I should take you out to eat. If you would allow me? * Bows and kisses Peach's hand*

Peach: *Blushes at Martha's actions*

Daisy: Ease up on the love, lover boy. We all know what you're really after, that's if you haven't done it already...

Marth: *Looks at Daisy with a confused expression* What do you exactly mean by that?

Peach: *Also gives Daisy a confused glance*

Daisy: What I mean is that we all know you're trying to pop Peach's cherry! Wait a minute, it's then would it be known as Peach's Christmas cherry, or more like Peach's Christmas peach?

Peach and Marth: *Both blush intensely at Daisy's words*

Marth: That is not at all what I intend to do!

Ike: *runs up from behind them and slaps Marth lightly on the back* Marth, my man! I didn't know you were into that kinda stuff! And what a fine woman you picked! If you want, I can give you pointers  on how to treat her right in bed. *Finishes with a toothy grin*

Marth: W-What?!

Samus: Says the guy who's probably still a virgin and only has experience with body pillows... *Says with an annoyed expression and Pikachu on her shoulder*

Pikachu: Ya!

Ike: Hey you don't know that! Besides you can change all that right now if you want to meet up at my dorm in about 10 minutes. * Ike says getting in Samus's personal space*

Samus: *lets out a sigh* Pikachu...

Pikachu: *begins charging up his Thunderbolt attack* Pikaaaaaa-
*Let's the Thunder bolt attack loose on Ike*  Chuuuuu!

Ike: *Is struck with the attack rendering him unconscious*

Daisy: Hmm, it appears that it was Super Effective! *Pokes Ike with a stick* Welp, there goes my partner in crime! Taken out by my other partner in crime....I wonder why she would turn on him? *Looks at Marth and Peach trying to sneak away from them* And where do you think you two are going?

Marth and Peach: *Stops immediately to Daisy's voice*

Marth: Out to eat?

Daisy: Ok fine! Just make sure you treat her right when you pop her Christmas cherry, or peach! Which ever you prefer... *Ends with a wide smile*

Marth: *blush deepens* But I'm not go-

Peach: *Interrupts Marth* Why fight her on this anymore? When she has her mind set on something, it is set. What matters is that we know we aren't going to do that.

Marth: *looks at Peach and nods then walks away, arm crossed with Peach towards the place he planned to take her to dinner*

Daisy, Samus, Pikachu, and Ike: *Wave goodbye and yells to them "goodluck"*

Samus: Now that I think about it, where is the S.S. teacher?

Daisy: You're right, she is gone!

Meanwhile.... elsewhere in the school..

In one of the many halls of the school, hung decorations on tinsel that stretched onward down the hallway.

Pit: Lady Palutena, I don't know if you'll like it but Merry Christmas! *Hands Lady Palutena a green gift*

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