Something Is Wrong

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*Ike's POV*

I ran and ran, following the determined yellow electric creature in front of me. We wanted to find our friends no matter the cost. 

We we're both on edge though. We haven't encountered any enemies lately to sneak by. It couldn't be that easy, could it? The only thing that seemed to stop us was the never-ending walls of stone that stretched and guided our path.

It took a long while before these walls finally led us to some stairs that went down. We continued down them and it led to a really dark area that was dimly lit by two lanterns. In between the lanterns sat a cell with black metal bars.

Me and Pikachu ceased our running as soon as we made it in front of the bars. It was really hard to see weather anyone was inside though.

"Hello? Is someone in there?" I say hoping to get someone's attention and causing Pikachu to slightly jump.

There was no response. I didn't want to give up yet. For all I know, the person could be unconscious. How could we check though?

As I pondered the thought, I was surprised to look up and see Pikachu already within the cell. Then it hit me. Of course, Pikachu could squeeze through the bars with how much space there is between them. It must have been a tight squeeze but Pikachu was able to make it.

I watched as Pikachu went into the dark part of the cell. Thankfully I could still see him with the dimmed lighting due to how brightly colored he is.

"Everyone, I found Robin and Zelda but they don't seem to be looking too good!" I hear Pikachu say in my mind.

"What's wrong with them?" I hear Link respond.

"I don't know, but they only seem like they're half alive... They won't respond to anything I do but their eyes are open and they are breathing."

"Ok, can they walk?"

I watch Pikachu try to stand a silhouette of what I assume to be one of them up but he struggles and gives up after a while.

"Sorry, I am unable to." Pikachu states sadly.

" It's not like it would matter either. We don't have the key to get them out." I add on.

"Alright, I hate to say this, but leave them. We will return for them later." Link responded.

"No!" Lucina quickly yelled causing me to jump slightly.

"Me and Lucario are on our way to get them. Once we find a way to retrieve them, we will move them a safe distance away from here and will try to return once we do."

"Ok, how will you find this place though?" I ask.

"I have pin pointed where your aura is, if we go back to where we split up then I can follow the aura trail you've left behind to there. I am sure it will be faint but I am certain I will still be able to sense and see it." Lucario explains.

"Alright, we will search for a new route to find more of our friends. " I say and look towards Pikachu.

"Continue to stay safe everyone." Pikachu says then looks towards me and nods.

Pikachu then squeezes back through the bars and runs past me and I follow close behind.

I am sure everyone it worried about Zelda and Robin now. I know I am. It almost sounded like they were zombies from what Pikachu explained only without the eating brains part.

I'd hate to see that everyone ends up like that. The big question is, how exactly did they become like that?

Yep, I think I am going to stick with this once a month or so of updating. It seems to be really working out with my schedule. I will be happy as long as I am able to publish new chapters for you all! ^-^

It's just been slightly hard to do so every week with everything that has been going on. Especially with the Holidays around.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I do thank you all for the nice comments and votes you guys give/leave! ^-^


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