Sword and Sword Techniques Class/ The Secret

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*Rosalina's POV*

"A new day is upon us Rosalina! It's time to get ready." The Luma cheered.

It must have been early morning now but the stars were still out. I was sitting outside on a patch of grass in a hidden area of the school. I guess it was a secret garden. It looks to be something people would visit all the time if it weren't for the giant bushes and short trees that covered it.

"Have I really stayed here all night?" I ask taken aback a little at what my Luma said.

"Ya! I guess your still use to staying up all night with us Lumas! Plus this place is kinda secluded and all. Kinda like the Observatory! I just wish the other Lumas were here..." Luma sighed with a sad look.
After hearing that, I felt a tinge of pain in my heart. I do miss the other Lumas too and the Observatory. I guess me and Luma have been a little home-sick.

I mean since I've been here, I've only ever met one person...Link..
Yes, I knew who Toon Link, Samus and Pikachu were now due to hearing their names in class. But I never really officially met them.

I looked at the still sad Luma then around at the garden. It was empty and seemed to twinkle with stars.

"Hey, Luma..." I say trying to get my Luma's attention and it worked.

"Why don't we make this our special secret spot, alright?"

It seemed to be confused at first but then cheered in agreement as if finally understanding me. This place was kinda like home and we didn't want it ruined.

"And if we want to bring others here, we must let each other know. Ok? Luma added and I agreed with a smile.

The sun was starting to come up and we left before anyone could spot us leaving the secret garden.

*Time Skip*

*Robin's POV*

"Robin! Tell me what are some of your side techniques when using the sword." Chrom called out towards me.

I was in Chrom's Sword and Sword techniques. I must have been the only one paying any attention too if Chrom called on me.

"I use a book to cast a variety particular spells to help as a side technique." I responded having my full attention on the lesson. I really want to pass with flying colors and become a true smash bros. Fighter. That way I can assist anyone who needs help. That is why I always sit in front, take notes when needed, research, and pay a close attention to everything.

"Very good, side techniques are just as important as techniques with a sword. Especially if you come up with an efficient enough strategy to take out the competition. Lucina I want you to tell me the three types of class for swords there are not including long, wide, or thin."

Well I guess I am not the only one paying attention. I smile and watch my friend Lucina as she answers.

"Light class, Mid. Class, and Heavy Class. All which have a unique set of skills to them."

"Good. Glad some of you know your stuff already. Oh um, yes Link?"

We all turn around and watch Link who was sitting next to Tooney, I believe that's what the teacher called him, in the back left corner of the class.

"So, when do we get to fight?!" Link asked seeming a little annoyed. Probably cause of the lesson.

"Good question. We will not be fighting in here much. We only fight in here when I say we fight. When I see that you are all ready with knowledge on the sword." He replies towards Link with a smile.

"But I believe we all already know all we need to know about swords. You wave them around till you finally hit something!" Ike yelled out from the other corner of the Classroom. There were slight giggles from the class.

"Is that really what you believe, Ike? I thought you knew better. Apparently not....there is much more to it then all of you know. In fact I believe that about ninety-nine percent of you won't pass if I gave the final test out right now! So please refrain from any futher comments and let us get on with the lesson." Chrom said slightly annoyed.

"One more question sir, and it's not a dumb one... Just what is the final test like and how does it work?" Cloud, who was leaning against a wall in the middle of the classroom asked.

"Now that's a good question but unfortunately I am unable to answer that due to school confidentiality. It is only know by a very few select of teachers and the school board. I am not one of the teachers who know though." Chrom answers.

"Then how would you have been able to give us the final test then, dumbass!" Ike yelled out referring to what Chrom said earlier.

Well leave it to Chrom to make threats he could not think. I leanded against my hand which was supported by shoulder on the desk watching the whole exchange slightly entertained.

"I would refrain fron that tone, Ike. I may not be willing to hurt you but I'm one of the other teachers wouldn't mind. In fact I believe your still recovering from what Ms.Sinarc did to you the other day. I'm sure she wouldn't mind popping by for a visit just to kick your ass again." Chrom said obviously annoyed by Ike now.

"Hey, I was caught off guard by that Bitch! Bring her on, I am ready now!" Ike yelled out standing up with sword in hand and ready.

"Now, Now Ike. I wouldn't do that. It could ruin your reputation with the ladies in this school." I say also getting annoyed with Ike and wanting to end this.

"W-what do you mean?" Ike says dumbfounded and now all the class's attention is now on me.

"Well on one hand, you could challenge Ms.Sinarc to a fight and lose to her there for earning the title of the first beaten by a girl or women, whatever you prefer, and making you look weak. You won't be winning the ladies instead you'll be laughed at by them. Plus losing to a lady would also make you feel weak as a man too.
Or on the other hand you could win but be hated by every girl in school for beating up a lady who did you no wrong just so can settle some issue you had with her the other day when you were the one who more and likely provoked it."
Ike and everyone in the class were speechless. Ike slowly started to sheath his sword then sitting down as began to think about it.

"I thank you Robin. I appreciate you shutting Ike up." Chrom says with a smile towards me.

I nod and then we continue the lesson Chrom still had planned for the day.

Here is another chapter! I hope you all enjoy!

I planned to publish it this morning but the power of laziness compelled me. I wanted more sleep!
So I decided to publish it as soon as I got out of school! Another thing, I do use Rosalina alot! Rosalina is my fav! Don't hate,Please! I will try to avoid using her too much though.

Again, Enjoy!


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