My Kawaii Dorm Partner

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"Finally unpacked and in record time!" I say to no particular, feeling proud of what I did.

I look around the room, making sure for about the twentieth time that none of my items were anywhere close to the half of space my dorm partner was going to need..... Then again, it seems my Dorm Partner had only what appeared to be just hats. Maybe they'll bring more stuff with them when they arrive though....That's if they ever get here...

It's been about a hour since I've gotten here and still nothing.I sit on my bed, picking up the gun I had left there and look at it as I start to think about what Zeal, the register lady, told me earlier.

*Flash-back to that moment*

"Samus, am I right? Well just a heads-up, your dorm partner will be a special case due to a couple reasons. For starters, it's a 'he'.... But I guess since it's more of a pet like animal, it's allowed to room with you. I think that's how our head-school board put."

I was told as I was handes my phone, with what appears to be a special designed 'S' on the case, and then sends me on my way so she can help the next guy that appeared to be what I guess was a green Dinosaur.

*End Flash-back moment*

I put my gun back down on the bed, bored and unsure of what to do as I wait for my Dorm Partner.
Suddenly, after 10 minutes of complete silence and me contemplating my life, I hear a light scratching noise than a big bang come from the door.

I get up while picking up my gun quickly jut in case if someone were to attack. Maybe it was a test for all I know, a test on the first day wouldn't be a surprise. I mean I have heard that some schools are like a prison or even hell.

I make my way to the door, still holding the gun in one hand. The scratch and bang happen again, which seemed to causethe door to shake. I put one hand on the door knob and slowly open it while peeking through the crack that would grow by opening the door to see what the noise.

I look ahead, then left, then right.....nothing...

As I was about to close the door I hear a loud "PIKA!" ring through my ears. And it seemed to be coming from the floor.

I look down and I see an adorable looking yellow creature with a lighting bolt shaped tail, two pointy ears with black ends, two red stripes on it's back, and two red cheeks on it's cheeks.

I bent at first assuming that someone accidentally left their pet behind. I mean there is someone with creatures like the one in front of me going here. I saw him traveling down the hall earlier.

But I ditched the idea as soon as I saw that this adourable mouse thing seemed to know where it was and that this was the place it needed to be as it entered my dorm and layed in what was suppose to be my Dorm Partner's bed.

I closed the door with realization that this was my Dorm Partner.

The mouse got up and stood on the bed looking at me then waved a 'hi", yelling "Pika! Pika!"

I waved back as I started contemplating what the hell the school board was thinking. I am not a lovey dovy, cutsie wootsie kind of girl.

I watched as it smiled accepting my wave and yelling, "PIKACHU!"

I guess that's what it's name was and out of courtesy I replied back with,
"Oh, My name is Samus! I guess it's nice to meet you too.." Obviously unsure on what to say.

It yelled out it's usual "Pika!" with glee then layed back down on it's bed, cuddling up to the covers that layed up on the bed.

I guess it was trying to get comfy.. I decided to sit right on my Dorm Partner's bed, hoping I could at least help the poor thing to get comfy.
After a while of adjusting the covers, Pikachu finally stopped and layed down in what I guess it found as a comfy position.

I decided to stay sitting next to Pikachu as I watched it yawn a loud "Pika!" And slowly drift towards sleep.

I watched Pikachu for awhile, still questioning why something like this was in Super Smash University and why of all the damn people who would have appreciated to have this creature as their Dorm Partner, why me?

I sighed then noticed that Pikachu started squirming in it's sleep with small little "Pik, Pika and chu" wines.
Pikachu must be having a nightmare.

Without hesitation ot thought I pet Pikachu on the head, hoping to give the Pikachu a little bit of comfort and thankfully it worked as the Pikachu sighed one last "Pika" in relaxation.

I watched Pikachu ease up and I guess you can say, that I now see how cute this little guy is and that I am glad to have him as a Dorm Partner.

I mean it is usually the cute ones that seem to have more fight to them.

Surprise! Another Chapter upload for this week!
Only becuase today is special. March 23, 1971 was the Birthday of my mom. And now she is still kicking ass at 48 years old. Happy Birthday to you mom, even if you don't read this becuase you don't exactly know about it.
Everyone thank my mom for another Chapter update this week! Kupo!
Love ya mom, you're the best!

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