A Clue From The Stars

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*Lucario's POV*

I had just gotten back from a run. I was trying my best to find Rosalina and the others, hoping that I'd pick up a telepathic signal from Rosalina or at least one of their aura. Sadly, I haven't gotten either. I would continue to search but each time I do, Ms.Sinarc gets in my way.
This school and it's teachers are not allowing any of us to go far from the school to search for them, yet it feels as though all of the teachers are hardly making an attempt on searching for them either.

I sit on my bed with a sigh. The Luma went missing and Pichu and Pikachu are practically in sorrow. They have been sharing Pikachu's room at the moment just to comfort each other. In fact most of the school was in sorrow for the missing students. I can feel it everyday through their aura and all I can do is feel bad for them as I do my daily search before getting caught by Ms.Sinarc or some other teacher that is patrolling around.

I get up and stretch still in deep thought about the matter. Then I hear the dorm door slam open with loud cheerful shrieks that are heard throughout the dorm and echoing into the hallway as I am tackled back down on to my bed. It was the three trio I was just thinking about earlier. Luma must have come back at one point or another.

"Lucario! Lucario!" Both Pikachu and Pichu hollered as they jumped off of me, landing right next to me on my bed.

They seemed to have been running judging by the way they are breathing so hard.

All I could do was grunt angrily as I stared at Luma who was still on me. Luma seemed to get the hint since he decided to float off me.

I sat up and dusted myself off then stared at the duo that sat next to me.

"Ok...only one of you, tell me what's going on..calmly..." I say as I watch the two.

They gave each other a look at then nodded. They both then started talking making whatever either of them was saying a jumble mess of words that we're really hard to make out. All I could do was sigh and face palm while rubbing my head in the process.

I looked at Luma, ignoring the other two who kept talking, for an explanation.

Luma let out a couple shrieks while moving his hands.....star tips....points....starhands...I don't know.

"I see... Rosalina was in control of your telepathic communication... I will return to you the ability to understand others and talk to them..."I say as I wave my paw in front of Luma and close my eyes.

After a while of the two beside me talking. They went silent and I open my eyes to see if it worked.

"I thank you Lucario! This is a lot better then talking through a white board!" Luma yells and spins around cheerfully.

I was confused as to what that meant but I just shoved it off.

"Now can you explain what these two were trying to talk to me about?" I asked Luma as I gestured to the two right beside me.

"You weren't paying any attention to what I was saying?!"


I hear Pikachu and Pichu complain.

I ignore their comments and Luma begins to explain.

"Ok, so I may have got some information as to where we are gonna be able to find our friends...." Luma starts off with earning a shocked gasp from me. Before I could even ask 'where?' Someone else did for me.

"Where Luma?! Where are they?!" I hear Peach ask and I look up to see Peach and Link enter the room.
I guess they were walking by and heard the conversation since the door wasn't closed after these three decided to barge in.

Luma looked at the two and then looked at me.

"I was told that they are at a place where lava reins and covers the area everywhere. I was also told of a tale of a plumber in red clothes and blue overalls who once defeated a giant turtle in a big building that sits in the middle of all that lava to save a princess in pink." Luma finishes off. I didn't quite understand as to how that info would help. I then looked up to the others in the room and saw Peach deep in thought.
I then took a better look at things. Peach is a princess and she wears pink. This only meant that Peach must have been the Princess in pink.

"Luma, exactly where did you get this info from?" Peach asked. Now that she mentions it, I am quite curious as to how Luma got this information too.

We all looked towards Luma for an answer. I guess we were all curious to know.

"Isn't it obvious Peach? I got it from the stars above. They are always keeping close tabs on Mama, so I figured that they had to know where she was being held. Sadly, they only gave us a small bit of information, but I thought a clue is better than having no information to start, right?"

"So your saying, you got this information from others like you?" I asked.

Luma nodded in response.

The thought of there being more then one hyper active Luma bouncing everywhere then popped in my mind and sent shivers down my spine. I think I am just fine with one.

"So, does anyone have any ideas where they may be?" Link then asked popping the thought I had out of my head, thankfully.

"I may have a idea but it's going to be really risky. We're going to need as much help as we can get." Peach answered.

"I wouldn't let too many students know or we might end up traveling with too big of a group. And since the teachers aren't allowing anyone too far off campus, that won't be a good thing." I interject.

"Lucario's right! We're going to have to sneak off campus if we ever want to save them." Link spoke out

"Then we make a group and go at night to make it easier to sneak out. We then rescue our friends and kick whoever's butt we have to just to bring them all back home safely." Peach said with a smile of determination and fist made in front of her.

"Sounds like a plan?!" Peach finished somewhat in a yell.

Me and Link nodded with a smile and Pichu, Pikachu and Luma shrieked out happily while dancing around in joy.

Enjoy all! Another chapter is here and another chapter is going to be added immediately after this!

Info for those who don't understand what is going on will be provided in the last chapter I release today! Just so you all know!


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