Another Dorm Partner?!

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*Rosalina's POV*

After the group defeated Ridley and Peach was rushed to the nursing center, I watched and followed the teacher towards the unconscious Ridley along with a bunch of the other students.

"What are you going to do with him?" I hear Zelda ask the teacher.

"That depends, will he hear us out or will he continue to fight us." The teacher responded.

"How will we be able to understand him, Ms?" Lucina asked.

"And that's where I call the help of two of you in. Two of you have the ability to let us understand those who we can't understand by talking through the mind." The teacher answered.

"You mean like telepathy?" Link asked.

"Yes though they both have their own ways of doing it, it's still telepathy no matter how they see it." She finishes as she looks towards me and another student known as Lucario.

"You too step forward. Your first test will be to expand your ability of telepathy with everyone else so we may all be able to understand Ridley when he comes to." She explains and I step forward with along with Lucario. Luma and Pichu staying in their own spots in the group of students watching everything. We nod in understanding. I watch Lucario close his eyes and then I close my own imagining the ability expanding to everyone around us and to the teacher and Ridley. I felt a strange sensation in my head then it faded.
I open my eyes and I see everyone staring at me and Lucario, who also just finished.

"How do we know it worked?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say.

"Tooney! You just said something, but you didn't move your mouth! Wait! I am talking now, but I am not moving my mouth!" I hear Link yell out.

"Ya! It worked! Isn't Rosalina and Lucario the best!" Pichu and Luma cheered. This caused all of the students to freak out and talk using only their mind.
I think I am starting to feel a headache form.

"Students, calm down!" I hear the teacher yell out. They all calm down but I could tell that they were still freaking out about the situation. I guess none of them have ever experienced telepathy before.
They all exchanged shocked and worried looks before the teacher approached the unconscious Ridley.

She tried to awake him but he wouldn't budge.

"Alright, I will keep Ridley in a tight barrier here for tonight! You all head back home and get some rest! When he awakes I will call you all back as soon as I find out!" The teacher shouted. There were no longer looks of worry as they all walked home cheery knowing they can head back and get some needed rest, all except Pichu, Lucario, Luma and me.

I watched along with Lucario, Pichu and Luma as the teacher put up the barrier around Lucario.

"You both did good. Lucario, I am going to have you switch dorms since you don't have a dorm partner and I highly recommend that you do."Lucario nodded in understanding.

"What room should I move to, sensei?" Lucario asked.

"I'm going to have you move to Rosalina's dorm." The teacher said.

"What?! I already have three living under my dorm." I exclaimed out. Lucario seemed a little perplexed by the situation too.

"Yes, though they are quite small. I can see you guys sharing a dorm. Any other complaints?" She asked ready to walk away.

"Just one...." I answered.

"And that is?"

"The gender ma'am. I thought it was wrong to have opposite genders share the same room." I answer awkwardly.

"I see why you would think that with how the dorm partners are set up,but no. It is not really against any of the school rules here. It's just recommended to be like that so nothing inappropriate happens against their will or willingly. As for you and Lucario, I don't think anything like that would happen between you four. Besides, Pichu and Luma is the opposite gender of you and you share a dorm with them." Lucario seemed to understand and nodded. After that he took off probably to his new dorm area.

"I guess your right, Ms." I said seeing how right she was.

She nodded and continued walking onwards.

I looked towards Luma and Pichu who seemed to have heard the exchange and nodded with big sigh.

"Well at least we'll have a new friend, mama!" Luma shrieked out trying to lighten the mood.

"Plus, you can both can help train each other's telepathy to grow stronger!" Pichu added as an attempt to lighten the mood too.

I just knew that there was only one place that could do that though.

"Who wants to visit the secret garden?" I say with a slight grin.

"I do!" They both yell out happily.

Sorry for late update all! I've been studying alot.

Forgiveness again plz!

Hope you all enjoy the chapter!
Also, I wasn't able to read through and make changes so I also apologize for any mistakes made!


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