A Plan In The Making

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"Hmm, I see...So this is their line-up.
Good work Bowser for fetching mw their roster."
Bowser nods with an unsettling smile.

"So Super Smash University plans to attack us witb heros we have encountered before." Ganon replies with a slight chuckle.

"Yes, along with others that wouldn't exactly classify as heros. They are more of side-kicks." Bowser laughs out, while pointing at couple of heros on the roster to prove his point.

"Silence you fool!" Ganon yelled out while punching Bowser in the head.

"Ouch! Hmmphf, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.." Bowser mumbled.

"I'll have you know, I had a very nice sleep last night you damned idiot." Ganon said with anger in his voice.

"Yeah, sure you did! Now what do we plan to do about Super Smash University?!" Bowser yelled out.

"You use your brain dumbass, we wait! Wait until we have an opportunity to strike. That way it'll be easier on us. Then we take them out when they're fighters are all alone, one by one..." Ganon said with malice in his voice.

"Ok, sounds good..just don't forget our deal." Bowser said rolling his eyes while walking off.

"Yeah, yeah...you will get your dumb princess... For now follow these directions." Ganon says while handing bowser a yellowish scroll.
"For the first part of the plan, I am going to need the aid of a very old... 'friend' I should say."

Bowser takes the scroll and nods with a smirk. He then stops and looks at Ganon. "What are you gonna do?" Bowser asks not uncaringly but still wanting to know.

"I am going to study all the fighters and their backgrounds. Maybe we could use something from it against them." He replies not taking his attention away from some orb he was fixed on.
Bowser then starts his journey as he makes his way out of one of his main castles he owns and that they are currently using as a base for right now.

As soon as he makes it out he opens the scroll and finds a map indicating that he has a long journey ahead of him.

This 'friend' better be worth it....

Ok as you can see, I am not good making a villans POV. In fact, I really have no idea where I am going with this but we will go along with it anyways.
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and yes I relized how short it is compared to my other chapters. I will make an attempt on releasing another one later yo make up for this one, no promises though!


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