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*Rosalina's Pov*

I finally made it, Super Smash University! I can't believe I am here!
Though I do have butterflies in my stomach for some reason. I squeeze the golden luma I decided to take with me since it was the youngest of the lumas in my arms for comfort.Maybe it's cause I am away from my observatory and all my lumas and I know that I'll be away for quite a long time.
I look around to see if there might be any indication on where the registry office maybe and spot a sign labeled 'Registry' with a red arrow pointing towards a door entry into the school.
I decided to begin there.

"Rosy!" I hear two people yell almost completely in sync.

I look to see where I heard the voices and I see two people running at me at full speed. One was wearing a pink dress and the other an orange dress, immediately I knew who they were. It was Peach and her close friend Daisy.

They stop right in front of me and take take deep breaths as if they were unfit for any kind of running.

"Heya Rosy!" Daisy says in between breaths. "H-How have you been?"

"I've been fine Daisy. The cosmos has been quite peaceful since Mario saved it and the lumas are all doing well." I say with a smile while yells outs cheery shriek it usually does to show it's happy to see them too.

"Well that is great to hear, Rosalina. I'm glad everthing is going alright for you." Peach says normally after getting over the whole out of breath factor. 

"Yea. So how have you guys been?" I ask been knowing that I haven't seen them in a long time and curious if anything new has happened while I wasn't around.

"Everything is awesome!" Daisy yells out.

Though it takes quite awhile for Peach to answer.

"Oh it's the same old same old." Peach finally answers. "I get kidnapped by Bowser then Mario comes to save me and then it happens all over again." She says somewhat annoyed.

I didn't know how to answer that with anything and apparently so did Daisy as the moment is filled with an awkward silence and us staring at Peach.

"Um, well at least we came to this school to learn how to fight." I say trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Ya! So maybe next time you won't be the damsel in distress but instead the damsel that kicks ass!"Daisy follows up with trying to comfort and encourage her dear best friend.

"You guys are right!" Peach yells with confident.

I giggle a bit at how easy Peach was to cheer up.
"Well, we're not not going to get anywhere without registering for our dorms first." I say pointing towards the registry office.

"Your right! And I have my acceptance paper right here!" Daisy yells out while pulling a paper out of her pocket that looks like it has been tapped up after getting ripped in half.

"Um ok then...What happened to it?"  I say starting the walk again to the registry.

"Well, I was in a battle and over a hundred of Bowser's goons surrounded so- so I....." Daisy started off.

"She ripped it in half while trying to open the envelope." Peach interupts saying it with a chuckle.

"Aww Peach! Why you have to tell her about it!" Daisy complains.

"Cause what good is lying?" Peach argues.

" Well it's alright to lye if your covering something embarrassing with something totally awesome!" Daisy yells earning a laugh from everyone else.

We finally reach the registry and there is a women with black hair working at the desk.
"Hello, my name is Zeal. May. I see all your acceptance letter so I may hand you your dorm keys and schedules or are you here for another reason?"
The women now known as Zeal says with bright smile on her face.
We all hand her our acceptance letters, first me then Peach and finally Daisy. The lady looked at Daisy's acceptance letter for a while then looked up at Daisy with a questioning look who gave her a sheepish smile.
Afterwards she accepted it and stamped each of them with an approval stamp.
She then set them aside in a cubby that was next to her desk and then handed each of us our schedules and dorm keys. Before we could go though the Zeal stopped us for some reason.
"If ever in emergency, or if you just want to keep contact with friends, Super Smash University has required we give each student this."
Zeal handed each of us a small phone complete with a designed case that seem to represent us.
Mine was a golden luma, Peach's was a crown and Daisy was a flower.
We all looked at Zeal somewhat confused.
"This your own school issued phone, uesed to keep in contact but mainly for emergency. It comes complete with a flashlight, camera, 32gb for games, and a rape whistle function." Zeal said with a smile.
We looked between each other and accepted it with no questions asked.
After a quick look at each of our keys we all relized we were each put in a different dorm and that we didn't share one with each other.

So after a quick hug and a wave good-bye we each set off to find our dorms and to see whom we had to share it with.

My dorm was dorm number 237 which meant it was on the second floor. So with a happy shriek from my luma floating close behind me we made our way to our dorm eager to meet our dorm partner.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

*Pinches Everyone that is not wearing green*

In honor of St. Patrick's day, here is a new Chapter! Also the characters I draw are supposed to be the teachers and etc. So far all the oc characters are teachers I believe.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!!

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