A New Outfit

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*Link's POV*

"Hmm, should I buy it or no?"I ask myself as I debate on the clothing I had in front of me.

"Hi Link! What's wrong?"

"Oh hey Rosalina! I'm just having trouble debating on weather to get this or not."

I hold up a blue Hylian Adventure's Outfit with gold threads making a slight design of what looks like a sword going down the middle and outlining the outfit. It wasn't too bad in my opinion, but it's always best to get a second and Rosalina just happened to be here.

"Hmm, I think you should get it. Blue looks like it might look good on you but if you don't like it later on then you got your regular green outfit, and you can stash that one in the closet. Right Pichu and Luma?"

Rosalina looks towards Luma and Pichu who were playing tag but ceased when called on.

They look at me and Rosalina confused about on the situation and ignored us as they went back to playing.

We both look at them awkwardly, I then take the outfit towards the market sales man at the stall to pay for it.

I look towards Rosalina after paying for it. She seemed somewhat in a daze for some reason. I attempt to make a conversation with her anyways though hoping I could snap her out of it.

"So, what brought you to this stall anyways?"

"Oh! Well Daisy ran ahead of me towards this direction but I lost track of her after that. I saw you and I thought that I might ask if you've seen her but before I could, you asked about your clothing."

She says as if struck back to reality on to why she was even here to begin with. We started walking down the market path with Pichu and Luma following close behind but still playing tag as we continued talking.

"Sorry, I haven't see-" I stop as I spot the familiar orange dressed princess.
"Nevermind found her." I point her out for Rosalina. Daisy was with that guy Ike who seemed to be flirting and sharing stories  with her while she giggled and shared some stories of her own.

"Well, at least I know that Daisy isn't on her own." Rosalina said with a slight smile as Daisy and Ike walk off in some random direction.

"I guess that just leaves us to talk then. What were you coming here for anyways?" I ask curiously.

"I mainly came here for Luma and Pichu but I think a park would have been a lot better...." She says as she takes an awkward glance towards the two still playing duo behind us as we continued to walk.
She looks back ahead and continues on.

"But since I'm here, I thought it wouldn't have been all that bad to look around."

I was about to say something but something caught Rosalina's attention causing her to look towards the back of her dress which was being tugged on by something or someone smaller.
My attention follows to where she looks towards and I see Tooney, tugging on Rosalina's dress to get her attention.

"Oh, hey Tooney. What's up?" Rosalina asks as she bends down to his height.

I decide to be nice and translate all he is saying with his hands. Worst mistake ever!Tooney first points towards me and then points towards her and finally makes a heart shape with his hands.

"Me and Rosalina? Either in love or dating?! No Tooney! Bad Tooney! You got the wrong idea! We are just friends!" I say as I knock him over the head with my fist hard.

He rubs his head and begins to cry with tears falling from his eyes. Wait! Cry? What is he up to? Tooney is used to me punching him over the head and usually it ends in a fight not him crying.

"Link! Why would you hit him so hard?!"

Rosalina quickly went to comfort him; hugging him and rubbing his head. Meanwhile I was getting chewed out by an angry duo that completely stopped playing and turned their attention to me.

Rosalina kept asking him if he was ok and I swear I saw that snarky little Fuck smirk a evil smirk towards me. This little basturd was using Rosalina's motherly side to prank me and get back at me for hitting him.

Rosalina let that little squirt go who then decided to hide behind one of the near stalls as soon as she turned her back on him. She then proceeded to scold me along with the duo for my actions and I tried to argue about it but it was a lot like talking to a parent so all I could do is apologize.

She apologized and then had Pichu and Luma apologize shortly after they calmed down for scolding me and I accepted with a hug from all thhree of them. I saw Tooney still peeking from that stall and he threw me the bird and then walked off.
After the hug was finished, we continued on our way going the opposite direction Tooney went to avoid anymore conflict.

If Tooney is going to play like that, then bring it on!

Finally here is the apology Chapter for not going to be able to update for a long while due to testing.
I really want to pass the US History S.T.A.A.R Test with my sister so we can pass onto the final half-a year of school!

Wish us luck!


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