A Fight of Speed

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*???'s POV*

"Before you begin this pointless duel, I must ask, why?"

"Why what?" Zeal asked with distasteful look.

"Why are you looking to fight me? I assume that you were sent here for the kids and not me." I respond still not moving from my spot.

"How do you know that we weren't sent here to do both? I mean with how you ran out without a word with those kids, you could be very well deamed a traitor to the school. Some might even say you kidnapped the kids and just handed them over to the enemy." Zeal said with a daunting smile.

"If I was a deamed a traitor and able to kidnap all those kids, then it was very unwise of you to think you'd be able to handle me all by yourself." I say unfazed by her words.

"Who says I can't handle you by myself?!"Zeal yelled out as she threw a speedy punch. I jumped out of the way gracefully landing on my feet right next to the spot that was now a crater.

"Lucky dodge! Too bad your too slow. It won't be easy for you to keep dodging.

With that said, Zeal fazed away in a flash of speed. I stayed where I was and looked upwards towards the castle.

"Keep your eyes on the fight!" Zeal yelled out as she threw another punch .

I was able to side step out of the way of the punch then jump back away from Zeal.

"Stop dodging bitch!" Zeal yelled out as she fazed away in speed then appeared in front of me readying a kick towards my stomach.

I was able to catch the kick and push her causing her to stumble backwards and land on her butt.

"Ugrh! How are you able to predict my attacks?!" Zeal yelled out slamming her fists on the ground.

"You are not only predictable but you fight relying too much on your speed. You punch and kick carelessly with only anger to support it. Lastly, you assume that I cannot see you when you run around and choose to underestimate me." I answer emotionless.

"Wait! That's not possible! You can't possibly be able to see me! I'm way too fast! You're lying!" Zeal yells as she fazed away again.

Zeal runs and reappears behind me in the air with a kick ready.

I can't help but let out a sigh...

*Zeal's POV*

That bitch is lying. No one is faster then me and no one can see me as I run, not even the fastest hedgehog can best me. All this will be proven as soon as I land this kick.

She is  just sitting there. She won't even look towards me as I run.

You're finished now!

I close my eyes for a brief second as I follow through with a hard kick but it doesn't make contact with anything.  I open my eyes to see that she is no longer there. Just as soon as I notice she is missing I feel a presences behind me and a hand touch my back before I hit ground and land on my face.

I pick my self up onto my hands and knees in complete utter shock.

"N-no way...she is faster then me...how?" I mumble to myself.

"Zeal, just know that I will be having words with Masterhand after this. This fight is over." She says as if already annoyed with the fight.

I look upwards towards her and just as I do, the other teachers have showed up, running a quite a distance behind her.

It takes a while for them to reach us, but as soon as they do, Mr.Blocker runs past her and comes to me by my side while Ms.Sinarc and Chrome stand in front of me, in between me and her, in a fighting stance.

"Zeal, are you ok?" Mr.Blocker asks  concerned.

"We got here as fast as we could! Did she hurt you?" Chrome yells out.

I look between them all and at her. She was staring at the castle again, paying no mind to the teachers who are ready to put blame on her.

It wasn't a bad idea actually. It would work in making her out to be the bad guy and not me.

I was about to say that she did until a loud shriek was heard throughout the area catching the attention of all of us and causing us to look towards it.

It was Ridley and he was flying in the air glaring hate daggers towards all of us.

"Looks like we have been discovered...thanks to you all for that." The no named teacher says.

Before any of us could say a thing, Ridley charged towards the ground creating a small crater and a larger distance away from us and the no named teacher who dodged out of the way of his attack that was directed towards her. As Ridley made contact with the ground, it caused the rest of the teachers who were standing to stumble down to the ground.

Ridley looked around at each of us and let out another roar and flapped his wings causing a gust  of wind to go by.

Looks like I am in for another fight.

CHRISTMAS IS SOON! So I thought that I should release a bunch of Chapters as a gift to all of you.

I do hope you all will enjoy them. I will release one today, a few tomorrow and some on Christmas Eve.

Thank you all again and I do hope you like the gift.

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