A Teachers Fight Against Ridley

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*Zeal's POV*

"Zeal, get up off the ground! It's either run or fight now! We can deal with blame later!" Chrom yelled out as he took a fighting position.

"He's right!" Ms.Sinarc yells then they charge the towards the raging beast, Ms.Sinarc from the air when Ridley took to skies and Chrome from the ground when Ridley would land.

"Zeal, are you too injured to fight? If so, then I can aid you in escape. But if you are able to fight, then we could really use your speed in this fight." Mr.Blocker says, staying by my side.

"I am not too injured, Mr Blocker...I will aid you guys in battle!" I say getting up from my place. Me and Mr.Blocker looked at each other one last then charged towards Ridley.

Ridley was on the ground fighting Chrom. Blade were meeting claws as they fought. It seemed Chrom had the upper advantage as he was landing more hits onto Ridley until Ridley caught the on coming blade. He glared daggers at Chrom as he let loose flames towards Chrom.
Chrom dodged them last second, abandoning his sword in the process.

Ridley then took that chance to take the skies as he flew, throwing the abandoned sword a great distance away.

Me and Mr.Blocker joined Chrom at his side.

"You are no good to us without your sword, Chrom. Either find a way to retrieve it or back down from this fight and let me and Zeal take care of the ground work as Ms. Sinarc knocks him out of the sky." Mr.Blocker tells Chrom and as if on cue Ms.Sinarc begins her battle with Ridley, using her amazing strength and wings to her advantage. Chrom nodded in understanding and began his run to retrieve his sword.

Ms. Sinarc fought Ridley, besting him at almost everything he threw at her. Since she is part Dragon, I guess that's where her enormous amount of strength comes from.

Ridley did his best to match her but with every punch or attempt at scratching her he threw, Ms.Sinarc would either dodge or block and counter it. He even tried spitting fire at her but Ms.Sinarc is immune to any fire or burn, so it only made Ridley situation a whole lot worse.

Ms.Sinarc threw one last punch towards Ridley sending him back towards the ground in his own crater. Now it was me and Mr.Blocker's turn. It was time to finish Ridley off!

Ridley was slowly getting as Mr.Blocker casted Ice magic, encasing Ridley's hands and feet in solid ice.
Ridley began to struggle to try and free himself from the ice.

I took this chance and started to throw as many speedy punches and kicks as I can at the worn out dragon.

As I was about to throw one last speedy punch that would surely finish the beaten up dragon. He breathed out flames causing me to stop my assault at I almost got caught in the cross fire.

Ridley continued to breath out flames as he aimed it towards the ice to weaken it enough to break out of it. I was about to do something to stop him, but Mr.Blocker beat me to it as he sent Ridley one last punch with a glowing red fist knocking him out. Mr.Breaker must of used some power amplifying magic to boost the power of his punch so it would unsure that Ridley would be knocked unconscious.

Mr. Blocker began his walk away from Ridley as I ran to meet up with him and Ms.Sinarc flew down to do the same.

"Well geez, it seems I missed out on all the fun." We hear a voice say and we look in the direction of it to see Chrom with his sword in hand walking to meet up with all of us.

"It was a tough fight, but we all were able to manage without you." Ms. Sinarc replies.

"Tough? You made it look like child's play when you fought him the sky!" I yell out towards her.

"Well, no matter how tough it was, we did it. It's too bad we are on their turf though. If we were on our turf, we would have been able to do something about Ridley. The most we can do now is hope he doesn't wake up anytime soon. Besides, we have other things to worry about besides him. Like, the students..." Mr.Blocker states.

"Oh, and let's not forget about that no-name teacher and what she did. Speaking of which, where is she?" I mention.

We all look around to see that she is no where in sight.

"She must of left sometime before or during the battle." Chrom says as he continues his search around.

"She doesn't matter. Our main priority are the kids. We'll be in trouble if we don't bring them all back safely."  Ms.Sinarc says having a hint of uncaring in her voice. I can only guess she never really cared about the teacher causing any harm to me.

"You are right! The Super Smash teacher can pay for whatever she has done later. We must get the students first!" Mr.Blocker confirms and with that we set off to find a way into the castle.

Here comes a swarm because it is close to midnight!

Merry Christmas Eve everyone and Merry Christmas!


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