Dorm Partners

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*Pit's POV*

"Oh no! Not you!" I yell out not caring if anyone else heard me. I was standing in front of my dorm doorway unhappy with the sight I was greeted with.

"Would you shut the hell up! Dear Palutena you are loud.."Said the newly acquainted dorm partner I just met that was now frustrated due to my yelling. Well actually I wouldn't say new, more like old. Really, really old.
My dorm partner was none other than Dark Pit or Pittoo.

"What the heck are you doing here?! I thought only good guys who fight for the greater good of humanity were only allowed to enter here!" I yell a little louder.

"Didn't I say to lower your damn voice! I'm right here! And I don't fight for evil all the time. Only when I feel like it.." He says with a yawn and plps down on one of the beds given to us with the dorm.

"BU- BU BUT THAT DOESN'T MA-" I start to yell out louder but then get hit in the face with an unknown item that sends me straight to the floor.

"Ow! What in Palutena's name hit me." I say rubbing my face as I sit up and then see one of the cases that I packed right next to me.

I look at Pittoo, anger clear on my face.
And he yawns again with a shrug. "Opps how did that get there. I totally didn't throw it towards in hopes that it might shut you up." Pittoo says with an eyeroll and then lays on his side looking like he was ready to either fall asleep or just ignore me.

"Really?" I say with a scold on my face.

"Yep! But at least it got you to finally shut up..." He says with a chuckle.

I was about to say something but then I received a message from Lady Palutena on the phone SSU decided to issue us. I take out my phone, it was a small device with a design of a white angel wing on the case.

Lady Palutena: Hey Pit! How is every thing over there? Did you meet your dorm partner?

Pit: ya, I wish I didn't though...

I then take a picture of Pittoo backside asleep on the bed and then send it to Lady Palutena.

Lady Palutena: oh.... Is that Pittoo? How did he get here? Nevermind, I don't want to know... I've met my dorm partner too. You can come over and meet her if ya want.

Pit: That sounds better then unpacking. What's the room number?

Lady Palutena: 239

Pit: Ok! On my way!

Lady Palutena: Great I will let her know.

I then put up my phone and made my way to the door but was stopped in my tracks by him again.

"Going somewhere?!" Pittoo yelled out.

"Y-yeah, I'm going to meet up with Lady Palutena... Why does it matter to you anyways?!" I say still a little shocked he said something cause I thought he was asleep.

"It doesn't matter to me. But the next time you take my picture, you either get my good side or you'll find yourself with no phone for the rest of the time your here." Pittoo said with obviously annoyed with me.

I was about to say something back but then I heard snoring. Pittoo obviously fell asleep now, thank Palutena for that too.
Now it's time to go see Lady Palutena and possibly meet a new friend.

*Palutena's POV*

"What's up?" I hear my dorm partner question. She more and likely questioned me cause of the smiling I was doing while I was texting Pit.

"Oh nothing much, a friend of mine is on his way." I say with a smile as I sit on my bed setting my phone down beside me, it was a small device with the same design as the necklace I wore on the case.

"Oh really, a bunch of my friends are on their way too." She said pushing her blue hair behind her shoulders then sitting down on her bed.

"Wow! It sounds like you have a lot of friends, Lucina." I say in amusement.

"Ya I should warn you about one of them thought. One of them can be quite th-"

"LADIES!" Lucina was interrupted by a guy with blue hair bursting through our door yelling. Behind him a guy with white in a cloak, a guy with blue hair also in blue armor and another guy with blue hair all seem to be embarrassed and ashamed of the guy who just bursted through the door.

Lucina also didn't quite seem too happy about it. It was obvious cause she got up and knocked him over the head with her fist hard enough to cause a big bump.

"I am sorry!" He said quickly with a bow towards Lucina.

I couldn't help myself, with how they acted , I started to laugh. I recieved stares but soon they all joined in on laughing.

While laughing Pit arrived obviously confused with all the people at our dorm's door way and why we were laughing. After wards other fighters such as a guy with blond hair and a big sword appeared, then what seemed to be a guy in green clothing appeared and then finally a guy that was similar to the guy with green clothing appeared but only toonish and smaller. It kinda looked like we were having a party.

Everyone was then introduced, the guy with white hair and a cloak was Robin and he invited his dorm partner Link, he was one of Lucina's friends. Then there was the one of the guy's with blue hair and blue armor who is now known as Marth who invited his dorm partner Shulk, he bowed to me and then Lucina and then went over to talk to Link with Shulk. He seemed to also be another one of Lucina's friends.Then we were introduced to the obvious womanizer himself, Ike. He bowed to both of us and kissed both of us on our hands while bowing. Then after kindly rejecting his offer of wanting to date me he introduced us to his dorm partner Cloud.
If I am being honest, I do feel sorry for Cloud becuase of his dorm partner but what could I do or say to help it?
Afterwards we got a quickly introduced to Chrom who was apparently not Lucina's friend but her father. That caught me by surprise, I mean he seems so young. I kinda am curious how that works but it's really not my place to know. Then we all find out that Chrom is not a student here but a teacher instead, here to teach swords and sword techniques class.
Finally after all that was done, I introduced Pit to everyone and then we all had a blast talking to each.
It was only our first day and we already made so many wonderful friends.

Oh lord, why did I write this...I won't be remembering all that....kupo...
I do hope you all enjoy though, Kupo! ^-^

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