Chapter Ten

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Mom and Dad were holding hands and standing right in front of the store and a few inches from our table, which was too close for comfort. They had their eyes locked on me and seemed disappointed.

Who am I kidding? Not only were they disappointed, but they were angry that I was out and about. They would rather lock me, their own daughter, in the basement...again...and let me starve and be miserable than let me be happy and enjoy life.

They even wished that I could and would...die.

They were pure evil. I wished that they would rot in jail.

But that will never happen. Why will they never wind up in jail? They are tricky and manipulative. Trust me when I say that. My mom and dad are clever and have been tricking the United States government and the leaders of Forlot. They kept saying that they were...excellent...parents and promised that will continue to love and care for me and Jorga.

And you know what? The leaders of Forlot and the government actually believed them!

I swear that I would speak up and tell the truth about who my parents really were. Both me and Jorga. So why have we not stood up for ourselves or at least tell our peers or teachers? Simple. Mom and Dad do not want anybody to know that they were lying.

So you know what they did?

They threatened me and Jorga that if we told anyone that they were abusing us, then they would kill Jorga and make my life a living nightmare than it already was thanks to the rare condition.

Not desiring to get hurt by the monsters that were our parents, we obeyed and kept our mouths shut.

Oh, how I wanted to tell Calvin what was going on at home. That me and Jorga were in danger.

I let out a groan, disappointed that my parents were here, and held up a hand to cover their faces. Calvin leaned over the table.

"It will be okay," he reassured me. "They cannot harm you."

If only he knew.

"Y-you do not u-understand..." I started.

"I knew that it was you!" Mom exclaimed. "Put your hand down so I can look at the girl who is a failure and not my daughter."

If I were a dog or some kind of animal who could do this, I would have perked up my ears. She sounded close. Like...she was next to me.

I slowly lowered my hand and was startled.

Mom and Dad were now standing by our table.

I felt the upper part of my body, the part that was not paralyzed, shaking without my command. I was scared of my own mom and dad. Could you blame me? They were psychopaths!

Mom and Dad were the same height. Very tall. Mom had short, brown hair and wore a white dress and white shoes. Dad had short, black hair and wore a blue, long-sleeved shirt and brown pants with brown shoes.

Why could they not leave me alone? I was not bothering them! But they thought that I was.

"What are you doing here?" Dad repeated, letting go of Mom's hand and crossing his arms. "You are supposed to be in the basement."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Calvin frowning at them.

"And why should she be in the basement and not outside on such a beautiful day?" Calvin spoke up. There was anger hiding in his voice.

They stared at him, and then back at me. I knew what they wanted me to do. They wanted me to lie to him about being abused and locked in the basement.

As much as I did not desire to, I had no choice. They would make my life even more unbearable and might kill my sister if I admitted the truth.

I could not take that chance and put my own sister in that kind of danger. She did not deserve it. Nobody did.

"Dang," I finally said something.

"Dang? Why did you say that?" Mom snapped.

I gripped the handles of my wheelchair. "You...two are right. I should be in the basement."

"But why?" Calvin demanded.

"I am...supposed to clean the basement today. It is a mess down there. I completely forgot."

He pushed up his glasses. "Oh. Well, perhaps you can clean it later today."

Mom shook her head. "She cannot. She has to start now."

"Oh. I can help."

"She needs to do it by herself, young man," Dad stated. "She has been delaying it for a while and needs to learn to not procrastinate."

Calvin gave my parents a glare. A look that could kill. He slammed his hands against the top of the table and got on his feet.

"Do not think that I did not hear you when you called your daughter a failure," my friend said angrily.

Mom ran her fingers through her hair. "She is not my daughter."

Dad uncrossed his arms. "She is not my daughter either. She is a piece of garbage." He yanked my glasses off of my face, broke them in half, and threw the pieces to the ground.

I screamed, and Calvin growled and pushed past my parents as he scooped up our scripts. He went behind me, grabbed my wheelchair, and hauled me away.

"Follow us into the bookstore, and I will have you arrested for harassing my beauty!"

Beauty? Did he

He pushed me into the bookstore, and I looked back. My mom and dad did not follow us inside. They just shrugged and walked down the sidewalk.

"Too bad that there are no cops in Forlot," he muttered. "I would have their bottoms arrested, and the police should throw away the key."

I thought that I heard him, but I did not know.

As a matter of fact, I could not hear anybody or anything at all.

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