Chapter Thirty-Eight

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This world? What world did she mean? The world that I was in? The darkness? Or was she referring to another world? Like the world that I was growing up in?

And why was her back facing me? Did she not know that she was not alone? That I was here with her? Maybe she was talking to herself. Or to someone else. Who? I do not know. I guess that the person whom she was chatting with was hiding in the blackness.

"No! You are wrong!" the girl continued. "This world is filled with so much evil. So many evil people. And the people who look 'good' in the world are just as evil! That is why it must die."

Must die? There were innocent people who did not deserve to die! Was she crazy or something? I would not be surprised.

"I hate this world with a burning passion! Some people want to control what we do online. Others are always causing trouble because they get offended by the smallest things. And guess what? None of them have a desire to help children who are trying their best to fight hunger! What a disgrace!"

What she was saying was absolutely absurd. She was just so angry that she was exaggerating.

Was she not?

"And guess what else? I am done with this world and its people! I am pulling myself out. I will shut myself out from everybody else on this stupid planet! I would rather be alone and free from the rest of the world than associate with evil people. I will not vote. I will be against the real worlders. And I will not give a monkey's foot about anyone's opinions and accept that my opinions are the only ones that are true."

I narrowed my eyebrows and stared at her. I was getting sick of her complaining and yelling and decided to confront her. I was going to let her know that I was here and demand her to knock it off. But something stopped me from doing so.

I placed a hand on her back - and became surprised when my hand went through her!

I quickly pulled back my hand and gently blew on it. It felt...cold. The girl felt cold.

Was she...a ghost?

Surprisingly, instead of feeling scared, I became curious and stepped in front of her. Her face made it seem that she was not a friendly person. At least...not at this point in time. It was bright red, and both of her eyes flashed with fury. Parts of her hands were also red, for she was clenching them tightly.

I placed my hands on my waist. "I am Jorgie Special, and I do not appreciate your tone..." I started.

The girl snarled like a wild dog with an attitude and stepped up to where I was standing...

...and went right through me!

My teeth chattered, and I hugged myself. She was definitely cold and made me freeze when she passed through me.

I immediately decided to get away from this girl and ran off until I was a foot away from her. I came to a halt and tried to relax, warming myself up in the process.

What was up with her? She did not even notice me!

Or...could she? Or was she just ignoring me?

No matter the reason, that did not stop the girl from complaining some more.

"They are already trying to get rid of all the Christians! The true Christians! 'Cause what they believe is the truth! And plus, religion - the word 'religion' - is a real world thing! This is one of the many reasons why I will no longer help these people. It is too late. You lost me. Both emotionally and physically. But you are not ashamed of that, are you? You are like the others!"


I gripped the cross and lifted it to my face. Crosses are associated with Christianity. I knew that.

So wearing the cross...did it mean that I was a Christian?

"The Lord is my first priority. I shall honor Him in any possible. As for fictional characters, they are way better than this world has to offer. They are not boring and have class and are certainly not offended by everything! Even breathing!"

Fictional? Fictional...characters? I had never heard the word "fictional" before.

I covered my ears as the girl let out an ear-piercing cry. I saw her raise her head and open her mouth wide. Her cry sounded disturbing. Like...not a human would cry.

I was convinced now that she was a crazy ghost.

"I am done with reality and will encourage anything that is fictional! Who is with me?"

I was shocked to hear shouts and excitements all around me and the girl. I guess that I was right. We were not alone after all.

I could hear what some of the people...whoever they were...them...were saying. I stayed still and listened intently.

"You are so dang right!"

"You speak the truth!"

"This world is so boring! I would rather be with the
fictional characters."

The girl, her back still facing me, bowed and giggled.

"I knew that they were some smart and wise people out there," she said. "We will abandon this world, honor the Lord, and help fictional characters."

"Who are you?" I heard somebody ask her. "What do they call you?"

"I am the one responsible for creating the Forlot series." She spun around and was looking... me.

"I am Ash J." She pointed at some parts of the darkness...

...and then at me.

"And that is Margie Morgan, Nigel Sanders, Hansel and Gretel Manson, and Jorgie Special."

Then I cried out when she hurried over to me and grabbed my wrist.

"You are not going anywhere, sweetie."

Forlot: Jorgie Special - Book Five {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now