Chapter Sixteen

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I forced my eyes to open and found myself staring up at blackness. I groaned and was lying on my back, my arms and legs stretched out from the rest of my body. Finally deciding to move, I sat up and surveyed my surroundings.

There was nothing. Nothing but blackness.

Where was I?

I realized that I was not in the office and wrapped my arms around my legs, my hands gripping the sides of my legs, for I was concerned and afraid.

"Jorga?" I said softly, my voice cracking. I did not desire to be alone, especially in a place that I was unfamiliar with. "Dr. Maxwell? Anybody?! Hello?!"

I immediately stopped speaking, and my eyes widened when I came to another realization.

I released my legs from my grips and moved my fingertips along the middles. I could not believe it.

I could feel my legs!

Does that mean...I could stand up and walk?

Desiring to test out that theory, I carefully got up like I normally did. I will admit that it felt weird to stand up again after being in a wheelchair for what felt like centuries.

I then squealed happily and jumped up and down.

I did it! I could stand! And walk! And run! And whatever else that I could do with my legs!

But the smile that was plastered on my face and the excitement that was flowing through my body and soul instantly disappeared as soon as they appeared when I realized for a third time.

I was in a dream.

Ever since that I was a baby, I always dreamt what my life would be like without Tenomeya. I would have such a wonderful and accepting life. My parents would actually love and care for me and Jorga. I would have a lot of friends and hang out with them, and they would think that I was cool. I probably would even have a chance at getting a boyfriend who loved me for who I was.

A normal girl who was never diagnosed with Tenomeya.

My smile turned upside down as I dusted off my shirt and pants.

If only it were true.

Why did I get stuck with a condition that nobody - and I mean nobody - else has? It just could not be one or two things that were wrong with me. It had to be everything!

I was going to sit back down and cry when I heard a voice.

Yes. I could hear now.

The voice was faint, but it was a voice nonetheless.

Figuring out which direction that it was coming from, I ran my fingers through my hair and took my sweet time strolling in that direction. I heard creaks beneath my feet.

Was the black ground made of wood or something?

I walked for what seemed like hours until I felt a hard object beneath my foot and heard a clank! sound.

Startled, I quickly pulled back my foot and heard yet another clank! sound.

Was I not alone?

I looked at what I had accidentally stepped on.

It was an old-fashioned guitar.

The guitar was orange and lying on the ground and in front of me.

That was odd. What was a guitar doing in the middle of nowhere? Did someone leave it behind?

I picked it up and examined it. There was a black strap that you put over you so a person who uses a guitar can have a better hold of it. I grabbed the strap and put it over me. I had a good grip on the guitar and gently stroked some of the strings. Together, the strings created a calm and beautiful melody, even though that it only lasted for about three seconds.

I have not heard any music or musical instruments for a long time, so hearing such majestic melodies from an average guitar made my heart melt. I almost did not want to leave this darkness of a place because I could stand and hear. I was not even stuttering!

Do you know how great that all felt?

"Change your heart..."

There was the voice again. It sounded close to me this time.

"Change your heart..."

It a girl...

"You must change your heart..."

Oh my gosh. The voice sounded

That was me singing! I was here and not even saying a word!

The voice stopped singing. It was silence once again.

I stroked the strings some more, creating a melody, and began singing myself.

"I do not need your pleas,
I do not need your looks,
I do not need your whining,
I just want your heart to change,
I do not need your beliefs,
I do not need your prizes,
I do not need you,
If you do not change your heart,
You must change your heart,
From left to right,
And right to left,
You do not know what I am going through,
But I know exactly what you are going through,
Change your heart,
Change your heart,
Up and down and around,
Change your heart,
Change your heart,
Do not judge me any longer,
'Cause you are not perfect either,
Change your heart!"

I finished the song and was proud of myself. I did not sing perfectly like a rockstar, but I do not care. I was proud for what I sang and not how I sang it.

I sighed happily as I took the strap off of me and set the guitar back down on the ground. That was when I heard another voice. It sounded like a male.

"Why? Why did you do it? How did you do it?"

I glanced all around and became confused.

Was he talking to me?

"How did you get rid of him?"

"G-get rid of who?" I was nervous now. "Who are you?"

"You need to tell me!"

I shook. "Tell you what?!"

"How did you kill off Humor?!"

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