Chapter Thirty-Three

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The blue ball soon stopped roughly, causing me and Common Sense to jump and hit our heads on the top of the inside. I landed my bottom on the bottom of the inside and tried to figure out what happened. Common Sense floated next to me and rubbed his head.

"Crub. That hurt like the dickens," he said.

I slowly and carefully stood back up, feeling sweat pouring from my forehead, and the ball disappeared. My feet landed on the ground, and I tilted my head up.

There was my brain. And my sister who was still unconscious and remained in the clear bubble that was floating above the brain.

And Cancer and Diamond and Anxiety.

Diamond was close to her boyfriend and grinned as if she were up to something sinister, and she probably was.

Cancer was floating next to my sister and rubbing his fingers over the bubble, playing with it. Anxiety was floating a few inches above my own brain.

He smirked. "Ah, Jorgie. It is finally time to face the truth. That you are responsible." He noticed that Cancer was having fun with the bubble, but did not take his eyes off of me. "Cancer, brother of mine, now is not the time to play. It is time to get serious."

Cancer quickly pulled away and hid his hands behind him. "You are right," he said.

"Let us begin. This should be quick," Diamond suggested. "Jorgie Special, how do you plead?"

"Not guilty!" I immediately answered.

"Nope!" Anxiety protested. "You are guilty!"

"I am not guilty! Humor is alive! He is here! He—"

Common Sense put a hand on my shoulder and interrupted me. "It is no use. They will not listen to you. The only way that you can win is to prove that he still exists."

He was right. I needed proof.

I noticed the bracelet that I was wearing that Calvin gave me.

And I had the proof.

Cancer motioned for somebody to come in. "The first witness is Tenomeya!"

Huh? Tenomeya? Witness?

We all watched as a person floated in. It was shaped like Cancer and Common Sense and colored white.

"Hello," the white circle said. "I am Tenomeya."

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