Chapter Thirty

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Calvin seemed annoyed by Common Sense's protests and shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants. "I told you before I went to see Anxiety and faked my death. I am in love with Jorgie. I am not obsessed with her. I just want to let her know that somebody out there cares for her. Nobody else but her sister will do that."

I could feel my cheeks getting hot by Human Humor's kindness and flattery. He was a real gentleman.

I got close to him and stared into his eyes. "What should I call you?" I asked him. "Should I call you Humor?"

"No," he quickly responded. "Humor no longer exists. Calvin is my identity. The one who is free and in a relationship with you." He winked at me, and I could not help but giggle.

"You have so much explaining to do," Common Sense said firmly. "How did you fake your death? How did you set him up? Does he even know that you are alive and just pretending to grieve for your loss? And why...why did you leave me?!"

Humor - I mean, Calvin - wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. "You two have a right to know what really happened. And that goes for our fellow readers." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, and then whispered in my ear. "Common Sense is going to be even more furious than he already is."

Common Sense put his hands on his hips. "What was that you whispered to our owner?"

He stared back at the friend whom he left years ago and pushed up his glasses. "Anxiety had nothing to do with this. He is actually grieving because he thinks that I am gone. As for why I faked my death, I thought that would be obvious to you, or you do not remember what I said all those years ago."

"I did not ask why you faked it. I am wondering how you could pull off something like that. You are the youngest emotion!"

"My heart makes me do crazy things that neither you nor Anxiety would approve of. My love for Jorgie was growing by the second and burning me from the inside to the outside until all of my thoughts were focused on her and only on her."

He gripped my waist tightly, but I could still breathe with no problem. I was blushing and trying my best to not smile. I did not want either of the boys to know that I was crushing on the emotion who gave up his life just to be with me.

What should our shipping name be?

"And besides all of that, I was suffering. Nobody took me seriously. Not even you, Common Sense!"

"I did too! I was there for you!"

"You did not accept that I was in love with Jorgie! You told me how I was crazy for being in love with her because she is our owner! 'Cause I am her emotion!"

"Do you not hear yourself? When you say it out loud, it sounds creepy! That is because it is creepy!"

"I am a boy! She is a girl! The Bible does not say that an emotion can be with a human, so I rest my case."

"Ugh! You and that dang Bible!"

"I was abused by Anxiety. And Diamond. And Cancer. And what did you do? Nothing!"

"What could I do?! Get punched in the face by Anxiety?!"

"You should have defended me like a true friend would!"

"I can only do so much!"

I covered my ears and jerked away from Calvin and glared at the two boys. I was getting sick of the yelling. Why could they not get along like they used to?

"Enough!" I exclaimed, uncovering my ears and raising my hands into the air. "This fighting has to stop!"

As soon as I confessed how I felt about their arguing, something incredible happened.

Well, it may not sound incredible, but you would think so if you were there.

The floor of the heart and walls suddenly changed from red to blue. The three of us gasped, noticing the change of colors, and I lowered my arms to my sides. As I did so, something appeared on the wall that I was in front of. It reminded me of a movie screen that comes from a projector.

"What is that?" I asked the boys, pointing to the screen.

Calvin and Common Sense looked to where I was pointing and gasped again.

"I cannot believe it," Common Sense said.

"These are your memories, Jorgie," Calvin stated.


Common Sense floated to the screen. "I...I thought that all of your memories were gone. Gone forever."

I was concerned. "G-gone?"

"Your memories have not appeared after Calvin left us." He teared up. "Left me."

Calvin snarled at him. "Until now." He took my hand and led me to the screen. I watched in astonishment as one of my memories came on the screen.

It was me as a baby. When I was born.

Mom was lying in a hospital bed, and Dad was standing by her and holding me. I was crying and kicking my little feet.

"No! Do not give me that baby!" Mom shouted, waving her arms frantically. "That baby is not mine! I did not give birth to that thing!"

"I am sorry, sweetie, but this is unfortunately our baby girl."

"No! There must be a mistake!"

"I wish that she was a mistake, but she is our biological daughter!"

"I am a failure! We are failures! But this..." She pointed at me. "...this is the biggest failure of all!"

That memory soon faded. It was now a memory of my mom and dad in their car, and Dad was driving.

I got jump scared as they both screamed. Their car collided...

...collided with the van.

They were involved in the car crash.

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