Chapter Eleven

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Fearing that me not hearing as much as I did before was because of Tenomeya, I got my friend's attention and asked him if he could take me to the hospital. I cupped my hands around my mouth as if I were alone in a cave or somewhere else and spoke loud so I could hear myself talking.

I did not catch what Calvin said, however, I knew that he heard me. He had not let go of my wheelchair, turned me around, and wheeled back outside. Before he stepped into the outside world, he called to somebody, I am assuming my sister, and motioned him or her to come over, I am assuming to follow us.

Cool wind hit my face as I found myself back outside, and my friend and I were greeted by the purple sky that glistened down on us from above.

Calvin leaned over and glanced down two ways. The left and the right. I bet that he did not want either of us to cross paths with my parents again and was making sure that they were out of sight.

I did the same and leaned forward in my wheelchair. I looked down both ends.

There was no sign of my parents.

I am guessing that you know how much of a relief that was.

Calvin forced my wheelchair to turn to the left and gently pushed me down the sidewalk.

"Is this an emergency?" he asked me. Of course, I did not hear him, so he whispered in my ear this time. "Is this an emergency? Or are you feeling fine and just need to get to the hospital?"

I heard him, not as clear as I wanted it to be, and took in every other word that I definitely heard, piecing together and figuring out what he said.

"I am fine...I think," I replied as loud as I could. "I am just not hearing like I should."

He whispered in my other ear. "You cannot hear?"

I swallowed hard before answering. "Hardly. But I can hear a bit if the sound or sounds are close to me."

He pulled his face away from my ears, but kept close to me so I could hear what he had to say.

"Where should I take you? Or what should I explain to a nurse or doctor if one confronts us when we go in there?"

I gently pushed a finger into one of my ears and tried getting gunk that might have been in that ear out. Disgusting as it probably was, it was necessary. Gunk in the ears is sometimes the cause of not being able to hear well. I was also extremely worried that I could not hear as well and prayed that gunk was caused by Tenomeya and that it was not anything worse.

"Take me to Dr. O'Fallon's office," I said. "Dr. O'Fallon is my doctor."

This was the first time that Calvin was escorting me to the hospital and probably will not be the last.

Dr. O'Fallon suggested to me back when I had my panic attacks was that if something changed, even the slightest, or I was not feeling like myself, I should go to him. If it was an emergency, then I needed to be taken to the hospital.

I know that I cannot die no matter what, but imagine a condition that was considered an emergency, like a heart attack or stroke.

I shivered. Just thinking of either of those two things made my stomach twist into a knot. I did not desire to have those conditions, but because of Tenomeya, there was no way that I could avoid them.

All that I could do was to be prepared and alerted. That is what Dr. O'Fallon told me.

We soon reached the hospital and entered. Calvin wheeled me down the hall and glanced all around. He was going to ask me where my doctor's office was, when I told him where it was located.

I know precisely where his office was. I was there every day.

Calvin came up to the room and wheeled me in. A was a person in there, so he knocked on the door that was open as he strolled in.

The person was Dr. O'Fallon. He was sitting in his chair and looking over a piece of paper. Probably some kind of document. He overheard the knock and tilted his head up to see us.

"Ah. Jorgie," he said. "You are right on schedule." He set the paper on his desk that was next to him and eyed Calvin. "And who might you be?"

"I am a friend of Jorgie's," Calvin explained. "My first name is Calvin."

"It is a pleasure to meet you." The doctor stared at me and smirked. "So what seems to be the problem this time?"

"My ears." I pointed at my ears. "I cannot hear."

"Hmm..." He rubbed his chin. " cannot hear at all?"

"No. I can hear. But barely." As soon as I said that, I heard a zing! sound that was close to my ears. "Ow!" I covered my ears and listened to what my doctor was saying.

Only...I could not. I could not hear him at all!

I am not kidding. I watched his mouth move, but could not hear the words that were coming out of his mouth.

It was like I was...deaf.

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