Chapter Forty-Six

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Anxiety got off my brain and floated back up where he was beforehand. He growled at me and Calvin, and that reminded me of an angry dog. I was not at all surprised that he was angry with us, especially with Calvin. He demanded Humor to come back and failed in the process. Why? 'Cause Calvin is no longer Humor. He is a different person now. A loving, humble, and mature human. Humor was long gone.

By the evil look in his eyes, I could guess that this was the first time that Anxiety had failed. He usually got what he wanted since the day that he took charge of my body and the other emotions, but it was at this very moment that he finally lost. Calvin and I knew that for sure. Anxiety himself knew that, but he did not want to admit it.

The mean emotion growled for what seemed like forever - it was actually ten seconds - and then stopped. The ends of his mouth drooped down, forming a sad look, and his eyes softened. I do not know why, but I became concerned for him - call me crazy - and put two fingers over my mouth as I watched him blush.

His cheeks instantly changed from white to red. Bright red. It was hard to miss it and made him sort of cute. Sort of.

He surveyed his surroundings, and then back at the two of us.

"Oh my gosh. What have I done?" he said. Calvin, Common Sense, Jorga, and I overheard him.

Jorga and Common Sense hurried over to us, and as they did so, Common Sense replied, "So what? You are now realizing what you have done and are doing at this moment are wrong?! Are ya?!"

Trust me when I say that the four of us were in complete shock at what Anxiety had said, even me. Even Calvin had a look of disbelief on his face. He leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

"I was planning this from the start. We needed to give him a chance to change. We had to show him that he is not the best. He may be Anxiety, which means 'to be full of fear,' but even he has fear in him that he certainly does not want to tell anybody about."

I whispered back. "How do you know that he is just scared and not all evil?"

"I am the opposite of fear. I do not let fear control my life and can spot it from a mile away."

Then I remembered what he stated to my classmates about me. That I was special in my own way.
"Tenomeya is not contagious," he continued. "Nobody can catch it. It is like a disorder. Other than that, there is nothing wrong with her. She just wants to be normal for once. But you know what I think of normal? It stinks! We are all different and have our own problems! Our writer has asthma and anxiety problems, but that does not stop her from achieving her dreams. That goes for us and our fans. So why should Jorgie be any different? It is not her fault that she is stuck with a terrible condition. She did not ask for it, but there is a reason that she has it. To make her strong and help others show that they can do anything good if they put their minds to it."

The children glanced at one another, and then back at him.

"And do not think that I do not know what your problems are." He pointed at the boy who bullied me. "You have severe asthma." He pointed at the girl who said that I should die, even though that I cannot. "And you have a peanut allergy. Jorgie will have those two things and many more. So I suggest that you do not bully her..." He clenched a hand into a tight fist. "...or else."
I am special. I am Jorgie Special.

It was at this point that I knew what to do.

I walked up to my brain and glanced up at Anxiety. His side was facing me, and he covered both of his cheeks with his hands. I had a feeling that he was embarrassed. Could you blame him?

"Excuse me?" I called out to him. "Anxiety?"

Still keeping his cheeks covered, Anxiety turned and looked down at me.

"W-what do you want?" he said. "You and your best friend, your stupid friend, won."

I rubbed one of my arms. "Did...did you paralyze me from the waist down? Make me blind? Make me deaf?"

"...yes. Now go away."

"Hold on. Did...did you do all protect me? 'Cause you were worried and still are that I will get hurt, especially by Tenomeya?"

I noticed him tearing up, and he burst out crying. I was taken aback.

"Yes! It was me! All me! I did not mean for you to suffer! I swear!"

"Why did you do it?"

"I did not want your life to crumble because of stupid Tenomeya! I wanted to protect you!"

"Pfft! Yeah, right," I heard Common Sense mumble.

I stopped rubbing my arm and showed my anxiety compassion. "Are you...afraid?"

Anxiety wiped away his tears and sniffed. "Yes. Very much."

"Why are you letting fear control your life? It is torture!"

"It is. But what can I do but avoid it by listening to it? I did not know what to do. I did not know how to keep you safe. So Diamond and Cancer suggested that I take away all that you could do so you would not get hurt in any way."

"Well, I hate to break it to ya, but that is not how life works. It just makes you miserable."

"Well, how do you suppose that I take control of my fear?!"

"I can help you. But first, could you get me out of the coma?"

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