Chapter Forty-Seven

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It did not take Anxiety long to let Jorga, Mom and Dad, and my classmates out of both my mind and my body. I promised him that I would help him deal with his fear, and he helped me wake up from my coma. I woke up and gasped. I sat up and looked around.

I was back. Back in Forlot. And so was everyone else.

I was in a hospital bed and had on an oxygen mask. I slowly pulled the mask off of me and immediately realized that I was not alone in the room.

Jorga and Calvin were standing by my bed and holding my hands. They were smiling at me.

"Welcome back," Jorga said softly.

I let out a sigh of relief. "It is good to be back."

Standing at the end of the bed were none other than my parents and classmates. They were not laughing. They were not mocking me or abusing me. For the first time ever, they were staring at me with concern looks on their faces.

Were they actually concerned about me?

I gasped again as my mom hurried to me - and hugged me.

I will admit that it felt weird that she was embracing me in a hug. She had never hugged me before.

Then my mouth nearly dropped open when my dad said, "I am so glad that you are finally awake from your coma."

What was going on? Were they just pretending to be nice? And did they and my sister and classmates remember anything that might have happened to them?

"Your dad and I want to apologize," Mom said, giving me a sweet smile. "We were wrong for treating you and your sister like garbage all these years. It was not right of us."

"We were afraid that we could not take care of you because of your rare condition and ran away from the problem," Dad added. "But that still does not give us the right to do what we did. We let fear ruin this family."

Huh. That reminds me of Anxiety.

A nurse entered the room and was smiling.

"Good news," she spoke. "No limbs of Jorgie's will be amputated. She is doing just fine."

Everybody cheered and jumped up and down. I just giggled softly and rested my head back on the pillow.

And so my happiness began.

The nurse motioned for some people to come in. "Oh, and you have visitors, Jorgie."

Four people came in, and the nurse left. Two were boys, and two were girls. They introduced themselves as Margie, Nigel, Hansel, and Gretel.

Then the girl who was called Gretel pointed at the cross that somehow ended up in my hand and stated, "That is mine."

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