Chapter Twenty-Five

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My eyes fluttered open, and I moaned and rubbed the side of my head. I realized that I was in a hospital room.

That was not surprising. If I am not in the doctor's office, then I am in the hospital room that is reserved for me.

I noticed that I was lying in a hospital bed, and five to six doctors and a couple of nurses surrounded me and were chatting among each other as they checked on me to see if I was alright.

"I am relieved that Jorgie is doing okay," I overheard one of the doctors say. "She has a pulse, and her heart is still beating."

What happened to me now? Why was I here?

"Me too," one of the nurses spoke up. "Somebody had to have survived from that accident."

Huh? Accident?

"D-doctors..." I managed to choke out, my timid voice echoing. "...w-what accident?"

They did not answer me though and continued examining me.

Why? Did they just not hear me? Or were they ignoring me?

Then I came to a sudden realization. It did not feel like that I was in my body and resting in that bed. My body's eyes remained closed.

Something was wrong with this picture.

But it soon became clear when I examined myself - and gasped when I noticed that my skin was blue and see-through! And I was floating above the doctors and nurses and my own body!

I tried to calm down and thought of a logical reason why I was floating above my body and not in it.

Was I...dead? Was I a ghost? A spirit?

"Oh, no," the other nurse finally said something.

"What is it?" one of the doctors questioned her.

"Her arms...they do not look good."

"How bad are they?"

"Very bad."

The doctor sighed. "We might have to amputate both of them."

What?! Amputate?!

"But she is in coma!" one of the other doctors snapped. "We cannot just take away her arms and replace them with prosthetic arms while she is in a coma and without her knowing!"

I teared up. a coma? And me...getting prosthetic arms?

Why me?!

I buried my face in my hands as I floated out of the room and cried. When I was far away from that room, I floated to the floor and hugged my legs, whimpering.

I was not dead. I was a stinkin' coma. And both of my arms were being replaced with robotic arms.

What did I do to deserve this? What did I exactly do to deserve any of this?! I know that everybody suffers until they pass, but in my case, it was ridiculous!

" not know...why I have...Tenomeya," I said to myself between sniffs.

"I know why, Jorgie."

My spirit body tensed when I heard that voice, especially when he or she said my name. I looked up and around.

There was no one near me...

...except Ms. Dia.

She was strolling. Strolling over to me. But she could not know that I was here...could she? I was a spirit now.

"Jorgie," she repeated my name.

Perhaps she was just looking for me.

But...where were the other kids? And Calvin? And Jorga?

Ms. Dia was now standing in front of me and tilted her head to where I was. She was smirking. "I see you, Jorgie. You cannot hide from me."

I could feel as if my ghost-like hair was standing up straight. She knew that I was a spirit and that I was sitting in this very spot.

But that cannot be! She was a human, and humans cannot see spirits!

"I know exactly what you are thinking," she continued. "You think that I cannot see you because you are merely a spirit. Or so you think that you are."

I shuddered. This was getting creepy now.

She grabbed ahold of my ghost-like hand and helped me to my feet. "I am so happy that you survived the crash."

I did not desire to talk with her, considering that she was creeping me out, but I was curious to know what she meant.

"What crash are you talking about?" I demanded.

"The crash that occurred an hour ago," my teacher explained. "The van collided with a car, creating a huge crash and mess on the side of the road."

I gasped. That is why I heard a crash! sound and why the students, including me, Jorga, and Calvin, blacked out.

I examined my teacher. She seemed okay. No scratches or bruises.

"I am perfectly fine," she reassured me. "But you and the others will not be. Never again."

"What are you talking about? And what do you mean by the others? The kids who are also in your class?"


"Are they being...hospitalized?"

"Even better."

"They are not dead...are they?"

"Absolutely not." She held up a hand. "Here." She snapped her fingers.

Slowly, the area where we were faded. Faded from white walls and a white floor to darkness. Blackness.

My fear grew. "W-what is happening?"

Ms. Dia giggled. Giggled darkly. "Do not be scared. They are here." She snapped her fingers, and boys and girls fell to the black ground. They were blue and knocked out.

"Guys!" I hurried to one of the girls and held her in my arms. "Snap of it. Please!" I shook her, trying to wake her up.

"Stop helping them," Ms. Dia ordered. "You will make it worse. That is what you always do."

I set the girl down and glared at my teacher. I was so confused. "Where is my sister? Where is Calvin?!"

"I do not know where Calvin is, but I know that your sister is with Anxiety. Your anxiety. Would you like to see him?"

"I want to see my sister."

That was when she transformed.

"By the way, my real name is Diamond," she said.

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