Chapter Thirty-One

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My legs quivered, and I desired to cry, but I held back my tears and recollected my thoughts about the memory that I had seen.

Mom and Dad's car...collided with the van that my classmates and I were in. That my sister and Calvin were in.

My eyes widened, for it all became clear now.

Mom and Dad...they were the ones who caused the crash! I should have known! They would do anything to make my and Jorga's lives miserable, and that included putting their own lives in danger! They probably found out that Jorga and I were going on the field trip - I do not know how they would even know because neither my sister nor I told them - and decided to ruin our chance.

They honestly did not come to terms with how life is precious.

Throughout my life, I have never been mad at my parents...

...until now.

Yes, it was bad enough that they were treating me and my sister like slaves, but they at least left us alone. But this...this was just pure evil!

"They did it!" I screamed. I wanted to run up to the screen and punch my fists against it, however, Calvin held me back. I clenched my hands into tight fists and tried to break free from his grasps, but he surprisingly had good grips on me. "Let me go! They did it! They hurt me and Jorga!"

"Jorga?" Common Sense said the name. "You mean your sister?"

I ignored him, for I had reached my boiling point.

"Jorgie!" Calvin yelled so I heard him. "Jorgie, Jorgie." He brought me close and forced my head on his chest. "Shh..."

Letting go of the anger that was inside of me, I gripped on his jacket and burst out crying. I so wanted to give my parents a piece of my mind...

Calvin hugged me and rubbed my back. "Jorgie..." he said softly. "...I have to tell you something."

I sniffed and glanced up at him. He wiped away my tears that were now covering both of my cheeks with his gentle fingertips.

"Jorgie, as believable as it may be, your mom and dad did not cause the crash."

"W-what?" I sniffed again and muttered how dumb my parents were under my breath. "I know them well. They would definitely cause something like that...even on purpose."

"I know them just as much as you do. I am a part of you, remember? I know everything that there is to know about you."

"You have seen what kind of people that they are. Remember when we were sitting outside of the bookstore and rehearsing our lines? They are irresponsible and cheaters!"

"Yes, but—"

"Why do you not believe me?!"

"I do believe you. It is just did not see what really happened. I know...I it happened." He held my face in his hands. "Hear me out."

I whimpered and slowly nodded. "O-okay."

"Your parents had nothing to do with that crash. Shockingly, they were doing the right thing. See for yourself." He motioned to the screen that had played back the moments before the horrible crash...and he was right.

My parents...Mom and Dad were not doing anything wrong. Gosh, that was hard to say.

Neither of them were distracted. They were not on their phones and just paying attention to the road while chatting with each other.

But...they could have done it on purpose.

"They did not even do it on purpose," Calvin continued, as if he read my thoughts. "Whoever caused the crash did it with no remorse and meant to collide with your parents and their car."

I was going to inform him that he was describing my mom and dad, however, I kept my mouth shut and listened to him, for I trusted him, even though that he never admitted to me that he was actually Humor.

"Then...who did?" I asked.

He hesitated before speaking. "Ms. Dia. Or should I say, Diamond."

I let out a gasp.

He slowly slid his hands and fingers and thumbs away from my face. "She purposely slammed the van into your parents' car."

I was shaking all over. "W-why would she do that? 'Cause she is crazy?"

"She is insane and needed to put you in a coma in order for Anxiety to charge you with my 'murder.'"

"But...she took everyone else out! My classmates. Mom and Dad. sister."

"She did that so Anxiety would have fun with them. They are his puppets now."

"!" I hugged him tightly as more tears ran down my cheeks. "Jorga! We have to save her!"

"And we will. Trust me."

"How can she trust you?" Common Sense snapped at him. "How can any of us trust you? How can I?! You faked your death! Do you not know how hurt I am to find that out?!"

Calvin ignored him and gently pushed me away. "I want to be a part of you again, Jorgie. I will make you happy. So happy that you will even feel joy and not worry about what others say. But this time...I want to be a part of your soul."

Common Sense was outraged. "What?!"

Calvin whispered in my ear. "Close your eyes and think happy thoughts."

Common Sense was protesting this, but like I said earlier, I trusted my best friend. So I did what I was told. I shut my eyes and thought of the good times that I had both with him and Jorga. In seconds, I could feel myself getting happier and happier. I soon decided to open my eyes and realized that Calvin was no longer standing by me.

Where did he go?

But my concern for him instantly disappeared when I heard Common Sense.

"Here she comes. There is no turning back now."

He was referring to Diamond.

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