Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Calvin and Common Sense moved a few inches away from me as the horrifying monster got close to me. It stopped in front of me and snarled, drool escaping from its mouth and falling to the ground. I held out the sword, aiming the sharp end at its chest.

"S-stay back," I stammered. "I-I will kill you."

It was not intimidated by my warnings or timid voice and raised its head. It then roared, and its roar was so loud that I had to quickly tuck the sword under one of my arms and cover my ears with my hands. I watched, waiting for the roaring to come to a halt, and the monster closed its mouth and lowered its head back to me. I uncovered my ears, grabbed the sword, and held it in the position that I had it earlier. Keeping my eyes on the monster to watch its every move, I called to Calvin and Common Sense.

"I cannot do this! I am not strong enough! It will kill me!"

"You need to believe that you can do it!" Calvin called back. "You can do all things through the Lord! And that includes killing a real monster!"

"Humor!" Common Sense snapped. "She just said that she cannot do it! As having common sense, I say that we grab her and go before that thing harms or even kills her!"

"She needs to do this! And Humor is gone! You should call me Calvin!"

"You are still Humor!"

Great. Just great! They were arguing again! And at a time like this?!

I found myself tearing up and backed away from the monster until my back hit a wall. I whimpered and wanted to run. Run and never look back. But I could not leave Common Sense and Calvin behind. Besides, I could not get my body to run or even make a move. I was paralyzed with fear.

I could no longer hear the boys and let out a yelp as the monster scurried over to me like a cheetah and snorted. Two puffs of smoke floated out of its nostrils and hit my face. I coughed and teared up even more.

"I am sorry...readers...Calvin...Jorga." A tear streamed down my cheek. "I could not do it. I-I was not strong enough..."

I would have given up and let the monster take me - if it were not for my shadow that was on one of the walls nearby.

Or should I say, somebody else's shadow.

My shadow changed to a young girl that was my height and had short hair. She wore a short-sleeved shirt and a skirt that touched her knees. The only similarity that we had was the sword that she was holding. It was exactly like mine.

I nearly let the sword slip out of my hands as the shadow girl raised her sword above her head and twirled it between her fingers. Her mouth moved, but no sound came out.

I looked all around to see if the same girl was here. But I did not see a girl with short hair or a skirt.

What the crub was going on?

Intrigued by her, I watched the shadow girl hitting the floor with her sword.

Or...what she had killed.

Two shadow hands with claws were up in the air, and some shadow substance was spilling out like a water fountain. I guessed that was blood, and the hands belonged to a monster.

Was it the same monster that I was dealing it?

Things got even weirder. And by weird, I mean weirder than weird itself.

The shadow held out her sword and stabbed another monster, piercing the sharp end into its chest. Like her, the monster could not speak either. However, it opened its mouth, and I had a feeling that the monster was crying out in agony.

Seconds later, I actually heard a cry of agony from a monster. But not just any monster.

My monster.

My mouth dropped open, for I was shocked to see the sharp end of my sword piercing through the monster's chest!

The monster let out mixes of roars and whines. And then...poof! It disappeared.

Then something fell and clattered to the ground. I breathed heavily, still surprised that I had defeated the monster, and slowly walked up to the object that just dropped. I scooped it up and examined it. It was a cross necklace that had a blue stone in the middle of the cross. The was beautiful.

I decided to wear it for now and put it on. I then noticed that the shadow was not where it was before and let my eyes work their way up the wall.

There she was. Defeating more monsters with her sword. She soon stopped fighting and looked down.

She looked at me.

I slowly raised a hand and waved to her. "H-hi," I said.

A smile - to me, a creepy one - formed on her shadowy face, and she raised a hand and waved back to me.

I lowered my hand. "Who are you?"

She did not answer because she apparently could not speak or even show me. She just kept waving until she vanished.

Hold on. Did she help me defeat the monster?

I called for Common Sense and Calvin to tell them that I defeated the monster, but I did not hear them or even see them.

Where were they?

I was about to look for them, when the mall instantly vanished into darkness. Blackness.

I was back in the blackness world once again.

And I was not alone.

There was an older girl a few inches away from me. She had short, brown hair and wore glasses. She was wearing a black, short-sleeved shirt and black shorts. Her back was facing me.

"This world should die!" the girl exclaimed angrily. "I have lost faith in it. This world is good for nothing."

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