Wagon Tracks (lyttlejoe)

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Wagon Tracks

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Wagon Tracks

With no intention to share

Sol and Teddy raced West

but at the Patchi River bridge

they failed the test

Teddy's wagon crashed

but he got away

Sol headed back East

away from the fray

When 3Gun arrived

he couldn't believe what he saw

the vigilante river boaters

had broken the law

Yet half the money was saved

and they were pointing the way

he nodded to Denver

there was nothing else to say

He followed the tracks

pushing Horse hard

saw where they'd changed

to go 'round the rail yard

He knew right away 

where the wagon was bound

and where it was going

would be easily found

3Gun rode into town

to report to the Mayor

to say where he was going

and what he'd find there

He rode by the jail

saw CG with Gyn

leaned down from his saddle

and chucked her under the chin

What she saw in his eyes

was cause for concern

the man he was after

had something to learn

He waved and rode off

in the direction he was countin'

through Crusted County and 

Tim Tam valley to the caves

of Flat Mountain

Busted Gulch vol 10Where stories live. Discover now