Chapter One - Coming Home

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Author's note : Natalia's outfit in this chapter

Author's note : Natalia's outfit in this chapter

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"Time to go. Alice is soundly sleeping and won't remember a moment of this horribly stupid day." Damon said and he grab Elena's hand so that she wont runaway, not that she can, but as Damon was about to walk towards the front door, it suddenly burst open and three men walk into the apartment.

"We're here to meet the doppelganger." one of the vampire name Cody said.

"Thank you for coming." Elena said and she tries to walk towards them, but Damon pushes her back.

"I will break your arm." Damon whispers to Elena.

"There's nothing here for you." Damon said.

But suddenly, the man in the back suddenly drops to the floor, dead, and there's Elijah standing behind him. The other two vampires look back at Elijah and Elijah vamp-speeds towards them, looking at each one of them. Rose was shock to see that Elijah is alive and she vamp-speed out of the apartment scared that Elijah will kill her for what she has done. Elijah looks over at Elena and Damon with a smirk on his face.

"I killed you. You were dead." Damon said to Elijah, shocked that he's still alive. He was sure that he has killed him when he and Stefan save Elena from Trevor and Rose.

"For centuries now." Elijah said answering Damon question and he then looks back at Cody.

"Who are you?" Elijah ask.

"Who are you?" Cody ask Elijah without answering his question.

"I'm Elijah." Elijah answer and Cody's face immediately drop. Fear shown on his face.

"We were gonna bring her to you. For Klaus. She's the doppelganger. I don't know how she exists, but she does. Klaus will want to see her." Cody said.

"Does anyone else know that you're here?" Elijah ask Cody.

"No." Cody said.

"Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful." Elijah said.

He then plunges his arms into the two vampire's chest. They both grunt in pain when Elijah rips their hearts out. They both fall down to the floor, dead, and Elijah drops their hearts on the floor beside their bodies. Damon was ready to fight Elijah, wanting to protect Elena from him, but he was shocked when Elijah turns around and vamp-speed out of the apartment. Damon looks back at Elena, and they both share a shocked expressions on their faces.

Elijah stop for a quick meal before he arrive home. He grab a young man, maybe in his early twenties, and drink his blood before he compel him to forget what happened. When Elijah arrive at his house, he cleans his hands from the blood. No matter how long he has become a vampire and loves blood more than anything, he still doesn't like it when his hands are covered in blood.

Elijah sit on the couch thinking about everything that has happened while he's here in Mystic Falls. He knows, if he wants to make sure his plan succeeds, he cant do this alone. He will need Natalia's help, but, will she help him, considering this matter involve Klaus. He knows how much Natalia hates Klaus but does she hates him enough to kill him. That's the question that has been playing on his mind for a long time. He also know that Natalia is currently running away from Klaus and she would never want to see him but Elijah doesn't have any other choice. He pull out his phone from his pocket and dial Natalia's number.

"Natalia, its me Elijah."

"I know. I have your number remember." Natalia answer and Elijah chuckles.

"I'm in Mystic Falls. You wont believe how this town looks like now."

"You in Mystic Falls? What a coincidence."

"You're here too?"

"I am now. I just cross the town border."

"Come straight to my house. We haven't met for decades now."

"Is he there?"

"No. Just me."

"Well then, I hope there will be a grand welcoming for me." Natalia said before she hung up. Elijah let out a heavy sigh as he feels nervous about telling Natalia about his plans.

Natalia drove her car across the border and it does bring back a lot of memories, the good and the bad. When Natalia drive through town, she realize that what Elijah says was right. She cant believe how this town has change, physically of course but as for the secret that this town holds, they are still the same. This town has always been her soft spot however, she always tries not to come back here as often as her heart desires.

She do have a lot of good memories here, especially the memories that she has with her family, but, in every good and great memories, there's also the bad ones. The bad ones are the one that kept her from coming here often. Whenever she visits Mystic Falls, she will always have nightmares. But today, like every year, she will stop by to visit her family.

Since tomorrow is the day that she lose her family, she always makes time to come and visit them. She never tells anyone about her yearly visit to Mystic Falls, not even Elijah. Natalia remember how close she is with Elijah. He's one of her closest friend, the only one that she truly trust. Thinking about Elijah, she know that Elijah might be planning on something.

As much as she has soft spots for Mystic Falls, Elijah hates this town. It only have bad memories for him. Natalia doesn't blame him for the hate, considering his past with this town. That is why, when Elijah says that he's in town, she knew he's up to something, but she decide not to ask. He will tell her eventually and also the fact that she wont be in town for long, she doesn't really want to know.

Natalia pull her car in front of the Mikaelson's mansion. She just stand there beside her car, staring at the house. She has spend almost nine hundred years with the Mikaelson and the Mikaelson's mansion is not a strange sight for her. She used to their luxury lives. Eventhough there's a lot of things that has change in this town, the Mikaelson's mansion still look the same only this time, it look abandoned. Considering that none of the Mikaelson has come back for a very long time. Natalia walk into the mansion with a normal human speed.


"Natalia." Elijah said coming out from one of the room wearing a suit that has blood on its cuff. He greets her with a wide smile and vamp-speed to her, hugging her tightly.

"I miss you Natalia."

"I miss you too Elijah and this place is in serious need of cleaning and so do you." Natalia said as she pulls away from the hug.

"Still the same old Natalia."

"Do not call me old." Natalia said as they both chuckle.


Yeay! The first chapter is up. I know I know, I did said in 5 days and its only been 3 days. What can I say, I'm super excited! I cant wait for another 2 days, feels like a year ( well for me at least )

But, all that aside, here is the first chapter for all of you lovelies. Things will get pretty serious in a few chapter and a lot of things about Natalia will be explain later on. I hope you guys have fun reading this book as much as how I have fun writing it. 

Be kind to one another. Push away all the negativity and suck all the positivity. Lots of love, Lina

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