Chapter Fifteen - The Vial

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"Natalia, forgive me

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"Natalia, forgive me." Elijah says while he takes baby steps toward her.

"On what matter exactly?" Natalia says before she stand and cross her hands on her chest.

"Natalia I know you are mad at me. I know what I did was wrong, I shouldn't have agree with Elena in the first place. But Natalia, you are the only one I have left. Nicklaus has killed my family, every single one of them, and you my dear, are the only one who kept me sane throughout this years. Forgive me for not stopping Elena, forgive me for hurting you but I will not ask forgiveness for choosing you over Elena." Elijah said while he walk towards Natalia until they are only a few inch apart and he look straight into her eyes. Natalia let out a heavy sigh before she shake her head slowly.

"I'm not mad Elijah, I'm just disappointed. You made a promise and out of all people, you are the only who never break your promise. And after what happen this couple few days, my emotion are unstable and-"

"What happen when I'm gone?"

"Its nothing, I should check on Jenna." Natalia was about to leave as she keep cursing herself in her mind for slipping that out but Elijah grab her arm.

"Natalia, what happen." Natalia sigh before she turn to look at Elijah.

"It's nothing big. Don't worry. We can talk about it later." Natalia said and Elijah didn't buy it.

"Natalia, don't make me make you tell me." Elijah said.

"I met him."

"Nicklaus?" Natalia nod and Elijah turns to look at Stefan with anger in his eyes.

"I told you to take care of her with your own life and you let Nicklaus near her?!"

"Elijah, its not his fault." Natalia as she tries to pull Elijah away from Stefan without hurting anyone.

"Do you think I want her near him after what he has done to everyone? Do you think I did that on purpose? No Elijah. You're not the only one who wants to protect her!" Stefan said and they were both only an inch apart from each other. Damon vamp-speed towards them trying to not make Elijah kill his little brother.

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