Chapter Thirty - Found You

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"You've been avoiding me?" Natalia said to Damon as she walk down the stairs towards the living room where Damon has been drinking for hours, based on the way that he look and smell

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"You've been avoiding me?" Natalia said to Damon as she walk down the stairs towards the living room where Damon has been drinking for hours, based on the way that he look and smell. Since what had happened in Tennessee, Damon has been avoiding her. He didn't just avoid her, he basically tip-toeing around her.

That just not it, he doesn't allow Natalia to go back to the cellar. He said that it is better for Natalia to be out here and civilize with people. Damon think that it will help her to keep the demon away if she is surrounded with people that care and love about her instead of cold and hard wall. Natalia didn't bother to disagree with him as she actually agree with what he said.

"I'm not." Damon said as he take another sip of his finest bourbon that he hide at his secret place but somehow Natalia always manage to find it. Since she keep on finding it no matter where he hide it, he decide to just stop changing it place and just let her enjoy the drink.

"Yes you are. Where have you been this past three days?" Natalia ask him as she cross her arms on her chest, looking straight at Damon with one of her eyebrow raise.

"I have been... busy." Damon said and Natalia roll her eyes with what Damon just said. Out of all kind of excuse he can make, he choose that. Damon see that Natalia roll her eyes and he know that she doesn't believe her but he cant tell her the truth either. She wouldn't like it.

"What?" Damon said trying to hide the fact he know exactly that Natalia doesn't believe his excuse. He also know that Natalia would probably think that he is an idiot for choosing such a lame excuse.

"Just say it Damon. You have seen what I have done and we cant be friends anymore because I'm a monster. I get it Damon. You don't have to hide or pretend that its not true." Natalia said with calm in her voice as she know that this would happen. She didn't blame him for feeling that way. Its normal for him to be scared of a monster like her.

"I have seen worse Nat." Damon said and he sigh when he still see the look on Natalia's face. Well, he didn't blame her for not believing in what he said because he is lying. He had never see anything like what Natalia had done in the past but he cant put that blame on her. She wasn't herself. It wasn't what she did that worry him, it what he saw people did for her.

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