Chapter Twenty Eight - You Did What?

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"God Damon! I almost rip your heart out

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"God Damon! I almost rip your heart out." Natalia said as she let go of his heart. Damon let out a gasp before he wink at her. Natalia then turn to look at Alaric with a disbelief look.

"Did he just wink at me?" Natalia said to Alaric and he just shrug.

"Unbelievable." Natalia said as she throw her hands up in the air in frustration as she walk towards Alaric and stand next to him.

" Damon! How are you even here?" Elena ask in confusion and anger.

" Damon! How are you even here?" Elena ask in confusion and anger

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"Thanks for the tip, brother." Damon said to Alaric and both Natalia and Elena looks at Alaric. Natalia's eyes doesn't stay on Alaric for long as she turn back to look at Damon.

"You sold me out." Elena said in frustration as she couldn't believe that Alaric would tell Damon about all her plan being her back. She thought that Natalia will be the one who tell Damon about the plan since it has been hard to read her lately.

"Think I'd take you to a mountain range of werewolves on a full moon with Natalia without a backup?" Alaric said and Natalia cross her hand on her chest. Elena is not the only who feel betrayed because Natalia feel the same way too. She cant believe Alaric hide this from her and with her unbalance emotion, she feel betrayed even more than she should be.

"You could have at least told me." Natalia said to Alaric as she punch his shoulder.

"Sorry." Alaric said with an apologetic face as she rub his shoulder.

"Get out of the water, Elena." Damon said with annoyance clearly shown on his face.

"If I get out of the water, you're gonna make me go home." Elena said without budging from the water. She doesn't want to go home, not until she see Stefan and bring him home.

"Yes, because I'm not an idiot like you." Damon said and Natalia can feel the the tenseness between the two of them. Natalia tilt her head to her left as she feel that the two of them are being weird.

"Right now, you're both acting like idiots." Alaric said as he starts to feel annoyed with their bickering.

"What's wrong with them? What am I missing?" Natalia ask Alaric as her eyes doesn't leave them. She couldn't herself from being curious.

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