Chapter Twenty Six - Verbane

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Natalia was in a room, a very dark room, where the only light was the one that came out from under a door in front of her

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Natalia was in a room, a very dark room, where the only light was the one that came out from under a door in front of her. She walk towards the door and stands there for a few minutes, contemplating whether she should open the door or not. She take a step back as she feel a cold breeze touches her feet that came from the under the door. She look around her for one last time, looking for something else that could possibly tell her where she is, but there's nothing.

Natalia then take a look at the door again for a few second before she made up her mind. She was about to open the door when she hears laughter behind the door. Its a child laugh and the laugh seems very familiar to her. She open the door and was greet with a bright light. Natalia closes her eyes as the light is to bright for her eyes with her hand covering her eyes from the sunlight and when her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she can see where she is. She's standing outside of a house that is located in a forest and behind her is a house that she hasn't see it look like that for almost a millennium. Its her parents house.

"Nat. Come on. You promise you will play with me." Natalia stood there with tears in her eyes when she hear the voice and the tears fall down her cheeks when she turns around and see the owner of the voice with a gasp came out from her lips.

"Nat, come on. I'm bored." Daniel said with a whiny and cute face.

"Danny?" Natalia said with a sad and shock voice. She cant believe what she just see. Her little brother is there standing in front of her, alive and well.

"Nat, why are you crying? Did mother got mad at you again?" Danny ask as he hold her hand. Natalia look at him with tears that doesn't stop falling. He looks exactly how she remember him. His touch still feels the exact same way and so does his voice. She touches Danny's cheeks with both of her hands gently and she let out a gasp again when the touch feels so real.

"Don't worry. Mother only want you to be better than her." Daniel said trying to make his sister feel better.

"How - how are you - alive -happen." Natalia stutter as she starts to sob. Her hands doesn't stop touching her little brother.

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