Chapter Twenty Two - Elena's Hope

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"What are you two doing?" Elena ask through the Caroline's phone speaker and Natalia also stare at Caroline with a blank face

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"What are you two doing?" Elena ask through the Caroline's phone speaker and Natalia also stare at Caroline with a blank face.

"Just shopping for the party you're trying to bail out on." Caroline said as her hands busy looking for a dress, for Elena's birthday party which Natalia doesn't even understand why Caroline insisting on making this birthday party happen.

"I never said yes in the first place." Elena said and Natalia nod her head, agreeing with what Elena said and she understand how Elena might be feeling at the moment. She just lose Aunt Jenna, John and not long after that, she lose Stefan but for the party Elena doesn't exactly have a choice since its Caroline, just like how Natalia doesn't have choice but to follow Caroline here for shopping.

"She does have a point Care." Natalia said with her chin on a jeans rack looking at Caroline with a board face. Thanks to her statement, Caroline send her a deadly glare that made Natalia raise both of her hand in defeat.

"Shh. Don't encourage her." Caroline said and Natalia role her eyes and a groan escape her mouth which made Caroline glare at her again.

"Besides, you were never going to, which is why Natalia and I planned it anyway. And my mom wants you to call her." Caroline said and Natalia head jerks when Caroline said that.

"I do not. Why are you using my name. You really need to stop using my name without my consent. Its illegal." Natalia said and once again Caroline glare at her but this time she slap her arm as a bonus.

"Aw!" Elizabeth shout in pain and Caroline rub Natalia's arm as she feel sorry for slapping her arm that hard.

"Did she find something?" Elena ask with hope in her voice.

"An animal attack in Memphis. It's the third one this week in Tennessee." Caroline said and Natalia look at Caroline with worry on her face. Caroline has promise her not to tell Elena anything about what her mom found out. The last thing that she need is for Elena to do something crazy or stupid by following the lead alone but here Caroline standing in front of her and did exactly what she promise not to do.

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