Chapter Twenty Three - Memphis

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Damon stop his car when he and Natalia has arrive at the house that they suspect Klaus and Stefan were at before

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Damon stop his car when he and Natalia has arrive at the house that they suspect Klaus and Stefan were at before. Along their journey, both of their phones doesn't stop ringing but they didn't answer any of the calls since it was from Elena. Well, Natalia do want to answer it but Damon told her not to tell Elena where are they going and if she answer the phone, she know she wont be able to lie.

"Let me guess, Elena? I don't know why we cant just come clean and tell her where we are." Natalia said with annoyance in her voice when Damon put his phone back in his pocket. She doesn't like the fact that she is force to keep secrets and lie. Elena has been really paranoid and suspicious all the time and if Natalia did something out of ordinary, Elena will keep questioning her. It starting to really get on Natalia's skin.

"Cause Andie said this was a half-lead and I don't want to get her hopes up." Damon said.

"Andie your rebound?" Natalia said and Damon give her a 'Don't start' look.

"What? Besides, everything that we have found before are all half-leads, and I don't want to get my hands in this as your accomplice

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"What? Besides, everything that we have found before are all half-leads, and I don't want to get my hands in this as your accomplice. What do you want me to say to her? I see her everyday." Natalia said as they both get out of the car and she walk towards him.

"Still persuading her to attend her own birthday party?" Damon ask and Natalia nod her head with a sigh.

"You know, I keep waiting for her to explode at Caroline but she didn't. I don't know why. Elena truly has the highest tolerance with everyone. I mean, she can tolerate you. My limit for you are only three hours. More than that? I might rip your head off." Natalia said as they both looks around them.

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