Chapter Twenty Five - Stefan

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Damon arrived at the Broadcasting Centre where Andie works as a reporter

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Damon arrived at the Broadcasting Centre where Andie works as a reporter. Tonight, Andie will be working at the WPKW9 Building. When he park his car, he can see that Andie's car is also parked there. He eye the car in suspicion when he walk past it. The text he get from Andie said that her car broke down and she call someone to take here car but here it is. The car is still there.

He walk towards the building and see the building where Andies works today. He eye his surrounding once again as the place seems to be too quite and there seems to be no one there. He call for Andie when he enters the building but there's no response and the place is really quiet. He was about to call for her name again when his phone rings and it's Elena.

"Party central." Damon said once he answer the call.

"Where are you?" Elena ask in a demanding voice. There are a lot of things that happen tonight and when Damon is not there, she gets anxious, especially after everything that she has found on in his closet.

"I'm by the... Punch bowl." Damon said as his eyes wander around the place but Elena didn't believe him at all.

"Don't do that, Damon, don't lie to me. I saw your closet." Elena said and Damon eyes stop wandering around. He put his phone away for a moment as he curse himself quietly.

"Oh, oh, gotta go... gotta go break up beer pong." Damon said before he tries to end the call but Elena says something that caught his attention.

"Wait, Damon, something happen with Nat." Elena said.

"What is it?" Damon ask Elena with worry in his voice and on his face.

"She killed someone. Caroline tried to stop her but Nat got mad and she tried to kill Caroline. Now she's in the cellar, Alaric put her there after Tyler snap her head." Elena told Damon and he can feel his heart drop when he hear what Elena just told him.

"What?! How?" Damon ask in shocked.

"There's still more. Just come home and we will talk about it." Elena said and at that moment he see something a few of steps in front of him.

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