Chapter Eighteen - Its My Fault

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"Hey." Stefan said before he leans on the door frame of Natalia's bedroom.

"Hey." Natalia said without looking at him.

"Are you okay?" Natalia didn't answer. She just stands there in front of the mirror in silence. Stefan then walk towards her and stand beside her. He hold her arm gently and turn her around to face him.


"I'm fine Stefan. You don't need to worry about me. You should worry about Elena." Natalia said while she tries to push Stefan hand away but he wont budge and Natalia let out a sigh.

"Hey look at me." Stefan said before he touch her chin and gently push it up so that he can see her eyes. He can see sadness in her eyes and tears that he knows she tries really hard to hold in.

"I'm sorry." Stefan said and he really mean it. He really is sorry for everything.

"For what Stefan. None of this is your fault. Elena lost her father and aunt wasn't because of you. It's all because of me. I should have got there sooner. I shouldn't have trusted Elijah. I should have-"

"Hey, hey, its okay, its okay. Its not your fault too. He makes his choice." Stefan said while he pulls Natalia for a hug and Natalia hug him back. She didn't know why but Stefan's touch always makes her feel safe and comfortable.

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