Chapter Four - Hello There

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( I know that's not Elizabeth Olsen, but just imagine that Esme Cullen is Elizabeth Olsen aka Natalia Petrova )

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( I know that's not Elizabeth Olsen, but just imagine that Esme Cullen is Elizabeth Olsen aka Natalia Petrova )

"Natalia." Elijah calls for her like he is in desperate need of something.

"What?" Natalia answer from the top of the stairs.

"Can you come down here for a second."

"Alright. In a minute." Natalia vamp-speed into her bedroom and put on clothes quickly. After she's done with her hair and makeup, she walk down the stairs to see Elijah wasn't alone. There's someone else with him.

"Jonas Martin. You have grown." Natalia said as she give him a hug.

"And you remain the same. Beautiful as always."

"Thank you." Natalia said as she pulls away from the hug.

"So, what are you doing here with Elijah? Good things I hope."

"Natalia." Elijah say her name with seriousness in his voice.

"Okay. I don't like the way your voice sound. Is there something wrong?"

"I know I promise that I wouldn't ask you to get involve in whatever I'm doing right now, but I need your help. A friend of mine is in danger and Jonas will go there to save them, but he cant go alone since I have somewhere else to go, I need you to go with Jonas." Natalia frown when she hears Elijah's words.

"Please." Elijah said with pleading eyes.

"Okay fine. What do you need me to do?"

"Jonas will tell you on your way there. Thank you Natalia. I owe you." Elijah said before he kiss her forehead and vamp-speed out of the mansion leaving Natalia and Jonas there.

"Well Jonas. Lead the way." Natalia said before they both get into the car and Jonas drive them both to their destination. On their way, Jonas has tell her about their plan, and Natalia nod as she understand on what she need to do. From where Jonas park the car, Natalia could hear the conversation that's going own between a few people.

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