Chapter Twenty Four - The Demon

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"You look amazing Nat

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"You look amazing Nat." Alaric said to Natalia as she make her way towards him and Damon.

"Well thank you. Its nice to know that at least someone in this house know how to compliment a beauty when he see one." Natalia said as she stand in the middle between Alaric and Damon.

"Well I don't see any." Damon said and Natalia slap his arm with a playful glare.

"Rude." Natalia said.

"Tell me something that I didn't know." Damon said and Natalia chuckle at his comment. She then turn to look at Alaric who doesn't seem to be comfortable.

"Hey are you okay?" Natalia ask Alaric.

"I am every parent's worst nightmare. I'm the chaperone teacher from hell." Alaric said and Natalia pat him on his shoulder.

" Alaric said and Natalia pat him on his shoulder

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"I love high school parties." Damon said and Natalia roll her eyes.

"Of course you do." Natalia said.

"Isn't Andie supposed to be coming?" Alaric ask Damon as he trying to push away the fact that he is standing at a party where his students are drunk illegally.

"Oh, you invite your rebound." Natalia said with a judgy tone in her voice as she raise one eyebrow at Damon.

"10:00 broadcast. She'll be here in a little bit and yes, I invite her. Stop being judgy." Damon said and Natalia was about to say something but she didn't when she sees Elena walking towards them and Natalia can tell that she's drunk.

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