Chapter Nineteen - Cure For Werewolf Bite

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"Natalia!" Bonnie call her with a worry tone in her voice

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"Natalia!" Bonnie call her with a worry tone in her voice.

"Ugh, what?" Natalia said with a soar voice and slightly annoyed because Bonnie's voice disturb her sleep.

"Natalia!" Bonnie call her name again when she walk into her room.

"Go away Bonnie. Let me sleep." Natalia said as she buries her face into her soft and comfortable pillow.

"Natalia wake up. Wake up. Look at me." Bonnie said as she shakes her shoulder.

"Bonnie stop. Go away." Natalia said as she keep pushing Bonnie's hands away.

"Natalia! Wake up!" Bonnie said while she tries to make her sit but there's no use.

"Is everything okay here?" Stefan ask from the door.

"Natalia. You better wake up now or I ask Stefan to help me." Bonnie said with her hands on her hips but Natalia still doesn't budge.

"Stefan. A little help here." Bonnie said as she turn to look at Stefan and he then walk towards Natalia's bed. He then take a look at Bonnie before he turn to look at Natalia who is laying on the bed comfortably.

"Natalia, I think its best if you listen to Bonnie. Don't make me do this?" Stefan said as he put both of his hands inside his jeans pocket but Natalia still doesn't budge. A smile then appear on his face before he uses his strength to hold Natalia bridal style and she yelp in surprise.

"Stefan! Let me down!"Natalia shout and Stefan turn to look at Bonnie and he then gently lay Natalia on her bed when Bonnie nod her head.

"Ugh, what Bonnie." Natalia said as she let out a groan and sit, giving Bonnie a glare and it makes Stefan chuckles. When Natalia hear his chuckles, she give him a death glare.

"Let me see your eyes." Bonnie said before she touches her face and look straight into her eyes. Examining them for a few minutes and Stefan look at them both with worry in his eyes.

"What is it Bonnie?" Stefan ask.

"Umm, Bonnie. Are you done?" Natalia ask and Bonnie let her go.

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