Chapter Eight - Not An Option

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"Umm where did you go?" Damon ask with annoyance in his voice as Natalia walk into the Salvatore's house

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"Umm where did you go?" Damon ask with annoyance in his voice as Natalia walk into the Salvatore's house.

"Home. I need to take a shower."

"You were supposed to be here when he wakes up. What if he wakes up and you were in the shower in God know where. If he kill-"

"There's still an hour before he wakes up." Natalia said as she takes a sit across Elena and Stefan.

"How do you know?" Elena ask.

"I have live long enough to know." Natalia said and Elena nod. Natalia sits there in silence, in matter of fact, all of them just sits there in silence and the silence kills her. Natalia hates the silence and she hates it more when she's hungry.

"I'm hungry. Do you have any food?" Natalia ask.

"We have blood bags in the cellar." Stefan said.

"No, I mean actual food, I don't drink blood." Natalia said and they all look at her weirdly.

"What kind of vampire don't drink blood." Damon said in disbelief.

"I don't know, vampire-witch hybrid I guess. I can survive without drinking blood. So, do you have actual food here?"

"We have some pancake mix if you want. Just go there, you will see the kitchen on your left." Stefan said as he point towards the direction to the kitchen.

"That will be fine" Natalia stands and take a few steps but she stops and turns to look at them.

"May I?" Natalia ask both of the Salvatore's brother for permission to invade their kitchen and they all nod except for Damon. He look at her weirdly.

"Do you guys want some?" Natalia shouted from the kitchen and Stefan vamp-speed into the kitchen standing in the doorway.

"Me and Damon will pass. We will just drink blood. Can you make some for Elena. She hasn't eat since yesterday." Stefan said.

"What? Why is she starving herself?" Natalia said with concern on her face but she didn't look at Stefan because her attention was on mixing the ingredients that she just grab.

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