Chapter Two - A Part of Her

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"Where are you going?" Elijah ask Natalia when he sees her walking towards the door

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"Where are you going?" Elijah ask Natalia when he sees her walking towards the door.

"Visiting my family." Natalia answer and Elijah nod but he then vamp-speed beside Natalia's car.

"You will come back here right?"

"No. I will leave after I visited them."

"Please stay."

"Why?" Natalia ask Elijah with confusion on her face.

"Just stay please. We haven't met for almost a decade."

"Elijah. I don't know what are you planning, but I will not get involve in it."

"Does that mean you will stay?"

"Yes, but I will not get involve." Natalia said and Elijah face brighten.

"Alright. Be home early." Elijah said before he kiss her forehead.

"What are you, my father?" Natalia said jokingly and she push Elijah aside so she can get into her car.

"I mean it Natalia."

"Alright alright. God, you and your nagging." Natalia said before she blow him a kiss and speed off to visit her family.

"Hello mother, hello father, hey Danny. I miss all of you." Natalia stands there in front of her parents and her little brother grave. She then sat cross-legged on the ground facing their graves.

"Life has been great. I have finish learning every language that exist in this tiny yet seem huge world. Right now, I'm still thinking what I should do next. I have no idea, but I will figure it out. Gosh, wish all of you were here. It will definitely be easier for me to decide or came out with something." That day, Natalia spent hours at the graveyard talking to them, updating them about her life.

It was almost 3 pm when she starts to feel hungry. Natalia said goodbye to her family before she conjure three white roses on each of their grave. She then drove to Mystic Grills. She saw that restaurant on her way to the graveyard this morning and out of all of the restaurant in the town, that restaurant seems better. She really hope they serve good food there as she's really picky when it comes to what she eats.

Natalia is a vampire, but she's different than any other vampire. She's a special vampire, a very rare species. In other word, she's a hybrid and to be her, they need to be born not made. Until she dies, there will be no one like her and considering the fact that she's unkillable, it will be impossible for another her to appear.

She can survive without drinking blood for the rest of her life. She's functioning like a normal human, but with a super vamp-power, vamp-speed, vamp-hearing, vamp-healing, immortality and other stuff that a vampire can do. Klaus is also considered as a hybrid if its not for the curse, but he's a vampire and a wolf but for Natalia, she's a two thing that shouldn't be together.

She's a vampire and a witch. In the supernatural world, to make sure the nature is in balance, a witch cant be a vampire and a vampire cant be a witch. A witch is considered as the pure while a vampire is the darkness and it cant be mix together. But Natalia, she was born as both.

Her father was a hybrid like Klaus, the first one to ever exist while her mother is the original witch. When Natalia was born, she was born as a witch and at the age of 3 she has follow her mother's footstep and become the most powerful witch in the entire world at the age of 10. No one in her family knew, not even her mother knew what faith has restore for her.

At the age of 19, Natalia died. She was killed by her grandparents who was a witch like her mother. They saw a vision where Natalia became a monster and wreak havoc to the world. In order to protect themselves and everyone else, they kill her. In the process, they have to kill Natalia's parents as they were protecting her from them.

But, little did they knew, Natalia wasn't dead. Since her father is a hybrid, a vampire and a werewolf, Natalia was born with vampire blood in her system, so when she died, she rise back from the grave. The first person that Natalia kill as soon as she wake up was her grandmother. She was in the kitchen at that time, making dinner. Hannah barge into the house and kills her. The horror in her face to see Natalia is alive and standing in front of her was unimaginable. Natalia still remember her scream and how it brings pleasure to her.

Her grandfather ran into the kitchen when he hears his wife scream but he was too late. She's already dead, lying on the floor with every drop of blood drained from her. Natalia look at her grandfather and before she knew it, he grab Danny and hold a knife to his throat. He threatens to kill Danny if Natalia didn't burn herself. But Natalia, blinded by rage, marge forward and snap his neck without even thinking.

As soon as her grandfather died, Danny falls to the ground too. He has link himself to Danny and Natalia sat there, crying for days. It was a week after Danny's death when Natalia has come to her senses and bury him beside her parents. Since then, Natalia has traveled all across the world, trying to find answer about what she is. After a 100 years searching for answers and fail, she found the Mikaelson's.

They call themselves the Original because they thought they are the first vampire but they were shocked to learn that Natalia was born on the same year as Klaus, but has become a vampire a lot longer than they did. But Natalia let them keep the name. Somehow it suits them better than her.

Since meeting the Mikaelson, Natalia has never been alone. They are always there for her. They protect each other, like a family. They all love her as much as she does, but one of them love her more than the rest of them. Natalia and Nicklaus. A great powerful couple who are in love with each other and cant live without one another.

They were together for eight hundred years and there was not even a single day or a single moment where their heart stops beating for each other. Wherever Natalia is, Klaus will be there beside her, protecting her from any harm that could possibly happen, not that Natalia require a protection, but it make her feel safe and happy to have someone that look after her after all those years she has been alone.

But a great love will always come to an end, something has happen and it broke Natalia's heart into pieces. She ran away from everyone except for Elijah. She also tells him where she is. She know he was looking for her until today, but thanks to her powerful magic power, no one can trace where she is and she never stays in one place for far too long, scared that one of his minion might see her.

No matter what Klaus say or did, she don't think that she will be able to forgive him for what he has done. Also, after Elijah has told him what he has done to his family, the hate that she has for him grow bigger and stronger each day. If Elijah wants to kill Nicklaus, Natalia will be glad to help.

But knowing what kind of man Elijah is, she know, no matter how much he hates Klaus and no matter what Klaus has done, he will never be able to kill Klaus. Not because he wasn't strong enough but because Nicklaus is a family and Elijah is a man who will always protect his family no mater what. As they always says to each other, always and forever.


Hey there guys. The second chapter is out! I was thinking to upload it tomorrow but oh well. I'm just so bad with controlling myself. So here it is. Hope you guys have fun reading it as much as I have fun writing it. Please do vote and leave a comment about what you think of this chapter. I would love to read them.


Be kind to one another and always treat people with kindness. Throw away all the negativity and suck all the positivity. With lots of love, Lina.

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