Chapter Twenty Nine - The Light to My Darkness

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"God, I shouldn't have drink that much verbane

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"God, I shouldn't have drink that much verbane." Natalia said to herself as she tries to find Damon's voice again. It took her longer than it supposed to for her to her to find him but after a few seconds of concentration, she finally hears Damon's breathing. She vamp-speed towards him and see that the werewolf has turn back to human and trying to attack Damon.

She grab the guy and throw him away from Damon and she then stand beside him. They were ready to fight him when he stands up but. Damon march first and tries to punch him but he manage to grab Damon's hand and break it before he throw him. Natalia then kick him in the stomach before he was able to turn his head at her. Before he could react, Natalia grab both of his hand and break it and kick him to a tree.

Natalia then march towards the hybrid and rip his head off and he fall on the ground, dead but soon a shock face appear on her face when she see the person standing in front of her with the hybrid's heart in his hand. Its a cruel way to die with your head and heart being rip on the same time. Both Natalia and Damon are shocked to see Stefan there, standing in front of them. Natalia only stand a few inches away from Stefan and she look at him with a sad face. Although every nerve and muscles in his body want to hug her, he decide not to. he cant.

"Stefan." Natalia said but he ignore her. His eyes are now on Damon and Natalia feel her heart ache when he did that to her.

"Fancy meeting you here." Damon said as he pull Natalia away from Stefan to stand behind him. He know Stefan would never hurt Natalia but he cant take that risk. Not after what Stefan had done to Andie.

"What part of 'don't follow me anymore' got lost in translation, Damon?" Stefan said as he take a glance at Damon's hand on Natalia's hand for a few seconds before his eyes went back to Damon.

"Might want to take it up with your girlfriend. You don't want her chasing you, I'd stop with the late-night phone calls." Damon said as he tighten his grip on Natalia's hand and she can tell that Damon is nervous with this situation but Natalia also feel confuse. She didn't know Stefan call Elena. No one tell her that but that wasn't important. What important right now is Stefan.

"I didn't call her." Stefan said trying to lie but both Damon and Natalia didn't buy it. He really is a terrible liar.

"Stop. We all know you did. She's not gonna give up on you. None of us will." Natalia said trying to convince Stefan as she take a step towards him but Damon soon pull her back to stand behind him.

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