Chapter Six - I'm Elena

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"Jonas?" Natalia knock on his door and a few seconds later a young teenage boy open the door

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"Jonas?" Natalia knock on his door and a few seconds later a young teenage boy open the door.

"Is Jonas here?"

"Yeah. Just a moment." The boy then left the door open and walk inside calling for Jonas.

"Natalia. Why aren't you in? You don't need invitation to get in."

"Yeah I know. But it will be rude."

"Its okay Natalia. Just come in. Luka, I need you to go inside." Natalia walk inside the house and stand a few feet from Jonas.

"Do you know where Elijah is?"

"I don't unfortunately. But I can locate him if you want. He have left me with a few of his things for me to use to locate him in case something like this happen." Jonas said as he take out a vial of Elijah's blood from a box that is sealed with magic.

"He gave you his blood?" Natalia ask with an eyebrow raise.

"He did. Like I said, he leave some of his things for me to use." Jonas said as he grab a map from a drawer and lay it on a table.

"He's up to something bad isn't he?" Natalia ask Jonas with worry on her voice.

"Don't worry Natalia. Whatever it is that he's doing right now, you know he will tell you eventually. But for now, I will help you to locate her." Jonas said giving assurance to Natalia.

"Thank you Jonas. By the way, is that your kid? I didn't know you have a child."

"Yeah. I didn't get the chance to tell you about them."


"I have a daughter."

"She must have been beautiful just like her mother. Where is she?"

"She's been taken from me." Natalia was shocked to hear the news but somehow she kinda have a clue on who has taken her.

"Let me guess. Nicklaus took her." Jonas nod with sadness in his eyes. Natalia hugs him trying to comfort him.

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