Chapter Three - The Duel

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"Elijah." Natalia call for him when she walks down the stairs.

"Elijah." But there's still no respond from him. Natalia grab her phone from her pocket and dial his number.

"Elijah, where are you?"

"I have some business to attend. Why? Is there something wrong?"

"No, there isn't. I just want to tell you I'm going out."

"Where to?"

"The Mystic Grill. I'm starving." Elijah nod as he was aware of Natalia's situation.

"Okay. Stay away from trouble."

"Yes grandpa. I see you later then. Bye Elijah." Natalia said before she hangs up.

Natalia drove her car to the Mystic Grill not wanting people to ask question and getting suspicious. The last thing that she needs is for anyone to kill her. She can easily win of course, but she just really not in the mood to kill anyone today. When she arrive at the restaurant, she take a seat and order a hamburger and a diet coke. Their service is really good and the food is amazing too. She was so into the hamburger when suddenly a guy in a black lather jacket take a sit across her, uninvited.

"You're new in town. Haven't seen you anywhere before."

"Do I know you?"

"Rude of me. I'm Damon and its my business to know about everyone in town." Natalia raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'm not interested. You can take your dick somewhere else."

"Feisty. I like you."

"Well, I don't. So leave."

"Not until you tell me who you are." Natalia had enough of his nonsense. He calls for the waiter and pay for her food.

"The change is for you... Matt." Natalia smiles at him before she stands up and wanted to leave but Damon grab her wrist making her stop.

"Let me treat you for a drink."

"I don't drink and if you're smart, you should let go of my hand." Natalia said with a threat in her voice and with that Damon let her hand go and raise both of his hand in defeat.

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