Chapter Eleven - The Decade Dance

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"Is it too late for me to say that I don't want to go?" Natalia ask Caroline, Elena and Bonnie and they all glare at her

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"Is it too late for me to say that I don't want to go?" Natalia ask Caroline, Elena and Bonnie and they all glare at her.

"You have to go. You promise." Caroline said with pleading eyes.

"But I don't feel so well. I think I'm sick."

"You're a vampire Natalia." Bonnie said with an eyebrow raise at her.

"Please Natalia. All of us will feel a lot safer if you were there." Elena said and it made Natalia roll her eyes with annoyance.

"Ugh, fine." Natalia said before she stand in front of a mirror and put on a very light make-up. When she's done, she turn towards the three girls and the three of them grin at her.

"Let's go. We're going to be late." Caroline said before she drag Natalia out of the room and both Bonnie and Elena will follow them from behind.

They have decided that they all should gather at the Salvatore's house and get ready for the decade dance there. Natalia has no idea why she say yes in the first place but its to late for her to change her mind. Even if its not to late, Bonnie, Elena and Caroline will not let her do that. They have been bothering her about the decade dance for far too long for her liking as they wont stop asking how it felt like back then.

She know she doesn't have to tell them anything, she can just ignore them but she decided not to as she feels comfortable with them. She has never thought that she will have a soft stop for the three of them. When she think about it again, she realize that they remind her of her past. Her two best friend, one was a witch and another one is one of the Originals. They remind her of the time that she spend with her friends back then.

Stefan, Damon, Jeremy and Alaric are already there at the school. They all decided to go there first and make sure that its safe for Elena to be there. Natalia decide that she's the one that's going to be taking the wheel. She doesn't trust their driving capability when they are not in their right mind. Once they arrive at the school, they were all greeted by Jeremy and he said he has something to talk about with Bonnie so she left with him.

"You guys ready for this?" Stefan ask as soon as Natalia and Elena walk into the gym where the decade dance is being held.

Natalia was impressed with the decorations. Caroline did pretty amazing. She want to compliment Caroline herself but Caroline is already wrapped in Matt's hands. Elena was about to answer Stefan question but was interrupted when they hear an announcement from the stage.

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