○ Chapter 01 ○

148 11 194

	"I can't believe it's finally time

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"I can't believe it's finally time." Sandra beams from across the office. Her eyes widen as she peeks above her computer. She is mostly just trying to avoid the piles of emails that are building up on the screen in front of her. I roll my eyes as I realize what she is talking about. "Aren't you so excited though?"

"I guess, I mean I try not to think about it because I simply don't know. It's not like I can talk to him. I also don't want to get the kids hopes up in case they keep him an extra month or something..." I pause for a moment as I think back at the situation we were in before looking back at Sandra, "That has happened before."

"Don't think like that! You should be jumping for joy." The smile grows across her face. If only she knew how much I actually am freaking out about it. How can I not?

But yet she isn't in my situation. She doesn't know how it truly feels. She can't understand the pain of telling your children that their dad is finally coming home only for him to not. I can not put my little angels through that again. They don't know the day and it's better that way. It gives my husband and I time to make it more special for them. To keep the excitement alive in everyday things. That way they aren't always stressed or focused on a countdown that might never end.

"Well, I have to go pick him up at the end of this week." The smile on my very own face would match hers if it wasn't wider. Things are so good right now. The kids are finally back on track at school, the house is in order, bills are all paid, and there is extra money in the accounts due to his extra pay while away.

"Are you sure you are allowed to tell me that?" She teases, turning back to her computer to answer whatever emails she can. She is right, I'm probably not supposed to tell her that.

"I don't...um no probably not. Are you an international spy though? I can't keep up with everything while he is gone." I slump my shoulders in defeat. The constant changes are always keeping me on my toes.

"Ope, you got me there, I'm definitely not a spy. I couldn't keep my mouth shut long enough to make it through the first day of class." She winks from across the cubicle, ignoring the background noises of people on phone calls and printers whirring to life.

"Good, now can we please not worry about this right now. I want to get my work done. I have to go home and bake a hundred or so cookies for Mazie." I roll my eyes. Why did I have to remind myself of the worst part of being a mother?

I enjoy the kids enough to keep me preoccupied while Logan is away. I love spending time with them one on one or even together, but I had no interest in spending time with other people's kids. Of course, Mazie didn't understand that, so when she volunteered me into baking cookies for the school's fundraiser this weekend how could I tell her no. Her little blonde pigtails all wrapped up tight on top of her head, just the way she liked them. She was adorable and smart, she knew how to play the cards to get exactly what she wanted.

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